Fucked Up (Dean/Sam)

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I woke up and yawn my Head hurts like hell and I start to cuddle up next too my Favorite Hunter. His Arms closing tight around me and he let out a low growl before his Lips hit my Forehead and he began to speak " good morning beautiful". I shriek and open my Eyes and in a split Second, I realize I'm not with Dean, I pull the Cover around my naked Body and look in Sam's Hazeleyes "we have haven't we" my Heart breaks.
"If you mean Sex yes we had it and it was amazing" I shake my Head while Sam comes closer soon hovering over me starting too kiss me " no, no, no Sammy, I can't i'm with Dean, fuck what will he do. When he found that out. He knocks both of us into Oblivion Sam and kick my Ass out of the Bunker". I jump of the Bed gathering my Clothes, in less then thirty Second I wear again my Pj's crying. Sam smiling on the Bed  "Kaja come back I will talk too Dean about us in a couple Days please Kaja I lo.....". "No, no, no I can't really, I, I love Dean, Sammy we were drunk like hell" i sob. I try too leave the Room but Sam pinned me against his Door  "You sounded different last Night, Baby when I fucked you so good". My Core starts to burn, the Way he roll the Words over his tongue, hits me hard his Lips softly brushing at my Ear loop whilst he speak. "I know how you feel now and you shouldn't feel Guilty about it babe, I see you want it, want us". I start to shiver "Sam please let me go" he stops all Actions stone cold steps away from me and the Door before I leave the Room I look in to his Eyes. "I'm so so sorry Sam" . The next few Days, i try to avoid being around Sam. Everytime he's around me, he always try to seduce me. Now i sit on the kitchen Counter kissing Sam, i break the Kiss suddenly as i hear the Bunkerdoor flew shut. I whisper "sorry" to Sam and ran to the Stairs into Dean's Arms he engulf me in a tight hug, "hey babe" is all he says before he kiss me without any feeling. "Dean i've " he didn't pay me any Attention as he walks straight to our Room and close the Door in front of me "you told him right" Sam shakes his Head and mouthed a silent No to me. I knock twice but no reaction, with watery Eyes I ran into the "man Cave" curling up in a Blanket in Dean's Armchair again crying "Kaja". I lift my Head to see Sam standing in the Frame of the Door "it was a rough Hunt give him some time" he walks closer to me "come to me baby" I stand up take his Hand and Sam hugs me tight, i grab his Chest still sobbing. "I love and miss him Sammy why why" he pull me closer and put his Head on mine "I know Kaja" he leads me to the Sofa and pull me on top of him, i rest my Head on his Chest, he comfort me till i fall asleep. "K" Dean walks into the Room "Sam" he sits up and place me on the Sofa covering me with a Blanket and turn to his Brother "yes" "i have a new Case for us, grab Kaja and I take the Bags" Sam confronts Dean "why don't you take her and i take the Bags" Sam leaves the Room with a aching Heart. Dean growl walk towards me and grab me, he smell my Hair nods sad and a Tear roll down his Cheek, i move a bit "it's just me, sleeping beauty" i smile while he carries me into the Garage and placed me on the Backseat of Baby a Minute before we drove if I hear wings flutter, i wave hy to Castiel. The Boys get in the Car and we drive off. "Dean where are we going"  he took a Deep breath before he answers "Missouri Kaja" I nod after 4 Hours Dean drives into a Parking lot he gets out "are you hungry" i shake my Head, he took my Hand and we walk inside a little Diner, i sit beside Dean his Arm is wrapped around me, i place my Head on his Shoulder  and look at him. His candy Apple Eyes looking at me and guilt almost broke my Heart i look away. "What is the Case about Dean" "there's a Gespenst in a little Town a night Drive away". I nod he trys to hold me at Distance. After a nice Dinner we took our old Seats in the Car. "Castiel can u please give me my Laptop" he nods and Minutes later im researching at the Case "anything found yet Kaja" Hours later Sam speaks up "yes Actually alot on the Base Infos Dean gave us earlier, how long are we driving till we hit the Motel" "30 to 45 Minutes Sweets" Sam answers me  trying to make me smile.
At the motel I grab my Bag, lay my Hand on Dean's Arm and whisper in his Ear "hey Deano do you want some fun in the Shower" "no, need to do some researches" I try too sit down on his Lap "don't u hear me". I get back up "Ok i go to Bed". I look at Cas and Sam "night boys" they nod, i change in my Pj's and hop in Bed. As my Phone  vibrates I open the Messages "are you okay" "it's okay Sammy" "no it's not" "night Sammy" "night baby". My tummy turns at Sam's words. Hours tossing and turning, trying to sleep but nothing works in the middle of the Night, Cas was gone and Sam lays on the other Bed. I was looking for Dean in the dark Room i stand up walk trough the Room and find him on the Sofa, i smile and try to lay in the so missed Arms of my Boyfriend, i cover both of us and cuddle up to Dean's Chest. As i open my Eyes i look around me but Dean was gone. I spot him in the Bed, again he rejected me and another piece of my Heart just died, again i fall asleep crying alone. Later in the morning I crawl into the Bed to wake up Dean, surprise him with the Breakfast i got half an Hour earlier. I kiss his cheek and whisper an inch away from his Face "good morning Deano breakfast is ready" he jump up totally in anger and hit me across my Face. Through the Power of his Hit, i flew from the Bed and hit my Head at the Table. I curl up  under the Table crying and bleeding from the Cut at my Forehead. Dean stood up pull up his Clothes and walks towards me his Boots stopped in Front of the Table, after a few Seconds he hit the Table hard with his Fist "Kaja come out" again his Fist collides with the Wood before he scream my Name "Kaja" . The Door opens "where's Kaja what happend here" I still sit under the Table crying and shaking pointing at Dean. Sam's  Facial expression changed completely, "Dean what happend here, Cas come down" in a split Second Cas is here. He look around the Scene and his Face is in Schock as he see me, he kneels down besides the Table to comfort me. While Sam is yelling at Dean "Dean fucking hell what happend". He lifts his Head and answers cold "I hit her". Sam's anger grew wide "you did what", " i hit her". Sam's fist fly into Dean's Face "Cas please grab all her stuff". Sam turns away from his Brother, paying attention to me. "Hey Baby come to me it's okay now". I crawl from under the Table and fall in Sam's Arms sobbing and shaking in fear "what did u call her" after looking at me Sam get back up and turn around. "Sam I've asked you what" Sam hides me behind his Back turning towards Dean. "I called her baby, why Dean" "you didn't lay your Hands on my Girl" Sam's nostrils shake "done that" Dean almost attacked Sam. Cas gets in the Middle "take the Car drive Home we talk tomorrow I stay" I look at Cas "thank you" he nods.
Sam and I leave the Motel soon after the Fight, "how are you feeling Babe" i rolled my self up the front seat "doing okay" he stops at a red-light "move over Kaja" i move a bit closer to him Sam puts his Arm around me and pull me closer to his side. I lay my Head on his Shoulder as i did that, i look into his Eyes he nods "its okay". I shyly smile. He smile back and starts driving. I close my Eyes two States away and fell asleep with my Head in his Lap, "Kaja we're home". I open my Eyes looking in Sam's caramel Eyes "heyja" he help me  to get out of the Car and we walk into the Bunker. "Kaja can we have a talk" I nod "sure". Sam took a deep Breath before he take Place across me at one of the Big Tables in the Library, "you know what I told you, i mean every Word of it. I fall for you Kaja and I can't handle it how Dean treats you the last two Month. Your such a wonderful and special Person, i always wished you the Best with my Brother, but my Heart breaks everytime he hurts you. Be sure Baby girl, i'll always love and protect you and you can talk to me and come to me with everything". I smile sadly, tears veiling at my Eyes "oh Sammy i, i've tried so so much, I really loved him, but I'm not good either for you Sammy, then for him, i am Poison Sam". Sam stand up walk towards me and kneeled in Front of me "look at me please". He put his Hand on my Cheek, "don't ever say that again Kaja, your our Heaven, my Heaven i never wished something in my life so perfect like you are baby. As we slept together, I fell even more for you. I understand that you may never be willing to love me the Way I love you, but please don't shut me out" I cover his Hand with mine. '' I'am shattered Sammy, but I have to say the next few Days will be freaking hard in either way and I also have you in my Heart, but please give me some time" he nods "I will and I'm always here for everything'' i kiss him slowly ,,thank you Sammy'' i get up and walk towards my Room close the Door behind me and everything that has happend the last Days, i decide to Shower. Soon after i leave the shower dressed in my short Pj's i hear my phone buzz ,,yes Castiel'' ,,Dean's hurt badly we arrive soon'' ,,ok, Cas will he make it'' ,,i dont know'' . Now my Heart shattered completly ,,Sam'' is all im screaming'' he ran up ,,clear the Table, are u still having some of my old Grace'' he look me in the Eyes ,,why''. ,,Dean he's'' ,,you will still save him '' yes Sam please tell me'' i walk away from Sam to the Bunkers Storageroom ,,it is freaking dangerous Baby, you know, if you take it you could die immediately and your Definitly beeing Human with no turning back after using it'' ,, i know Sam, but it's Dean i would do the same for you please'' he nods silent, we found it real quick and head back to the Library where Cas lays a completly in Blood Covered Dean down on the Table. I ran to them and almost fall because of the Blood. ,,Deano, what happend'' he give me a weak look before he starts coughing Blood . ,,Cas why dont you try to heal him'' his Head hung low ,,i tried it but im too weak'' . I grab into the Pocket of my Pj's and reveal the little Bottle, within is the last Portion of my Angel Grace i open the Lid and drink it in one Sip. ,,Cover up Dean'' is all i say before my old Power drive through my Body, my Eyes turning Blue  and a little explosion of Books hits the Library. I reopen my now blue Eyes and speed to the Boys ,,go'' i press Both off my Hands on Deans nearly dead Body and all my Grace went healing into Dean his eyes flew open and he starts Coughing, then sitting up, i smile close my Eyes and fell to the Floor unconscious. ,,Kaja'' Sam pick me up and sit me in a Chair, Cas push him away ,,let me see'' his Hand is on my Forehead healing my little Cut on the Forehead ,,and'' both Brothers mouth. Cas turning around smiling ,,shes just unconscious thank the Father''. I took a deep Breath opening my Eyes ,,Nice butt Cas'' i smile and pinch in it, the Angel jumps a bit, i look into Deans Eyes  ,,welcome back''  ,,thanks Cas''. Dean said, i laugh get up and sit next to Dean ,,Kaja brought you back'' ,,really'' i nod ,,yes with that'' i hold up the empty Bottle his Eyes grow bigger before he whispers ,,your last Grace '' i nod again . ,,Lets talk K'' i smile ,,yeah we sure need a talk''  he pulls his arm around me ,,dont be sad its ok'' he smile ,,im sorry what i've done to you'' i look into his green Eyes ,,im ok'' ,,oh no your not Kaja, i broke your Heart and mine'' ,,but why Dean'' he took a deep breath ,,i wanted you save and protected, always, yeah we fought and it hurts me, too let you back with a piece broken out of your Heart, everytime Sam and i went hunting without you and while you took care of Sammy, when he was hurt. I saw everyday how close the both of you actually grew and i feel so guilty. As i saw over the Weeks how Sam defeats you when we fight and then he fell for you. I just know my Time is up and anger and fear and the guilt build a shield around me and my Heart''. tears streaming down my Face ,,dont cry love'' a single Tear roll down his cheek ,,and then today, i dont know what get into me all hell broke loose after you say hey Deano i never wanted to hurt you, but i was heart broken''. I look up ,,because me'' he nods ,,no no fuck'' i travel with my hands trough my hair ,, i see everyday how you look at Sammy when he complimanted you or even tell u a bad joke it was that Look you used to look at me with when i do silly stuff'' ,,your Maybe right Dean, you know i loved you dearly, and you always be special too me'' I get up ,,maybe its better when i leave'' i start walking but soon two Arms grab me ,, please dont leave''. I turn around and look into the Eyes of Sam and Dean ,,i don't want you too leave'' i look into Sam's Eyes he's begging ,,and you''Dean grab my Hand look at his Brother ,,give me just one more Second then she's all your's'' he nods Dean look down into my Eyes. ,,Oh Kaja we had an amazing Time together, but we need to do whats Best for us and he is the best for you, so it breaks my Heart not to be with you anymore, but please never think i would kick you out, thanks for everything Babygirl'' Dean engulf my crying Frame in a tight hug. ,,thank you for everything Dean'' ,,your welcome, i think there is someone you need to talk to'' i nod ,,heads up little one'' i nod as i walk up to Sammy, he sit in a Chair at the Library Desk while ,Dean leaves the Library, ,,hey'' i cover myself with my Arms rubbing them still shaking, Sam look me in the Eyes ,,and'' i shake my Head no when the Tears engulf me again ,,come to me Kaja''. Sam took me on his Lap and close his Arms tight around me ,,Kaja look at me'' he looks so sad, i lay my Hand on his Cheek ,, it's all my fault'' ,,no it's not we are all in it'' he smiles sadly i get up and take his Hand ,,come to me Sam'' i engulf him in a hug go on my tippy toes and whisper ,,i don't leave i stay for you'' he placed a long kiss on my forehead ,,so you give me a Chance'' i nod smiling ,,i do '' he smile wide put one Hand on my Cheek while he pull me closer with the other before he kiss me hard he lifts me up on his arms still kissing soon after that he close the Door of his Room with his Boot and throw me on the Bed. Sam hovering over me ,,are you sure''  ,,yes i am'' he growl and attack my Lips again. Our Clothes fly in each corner of the Room, we make sweet love that Night. Sam has his Head and Hands on my Stomach ,,hey your good'' i smile running my Fingers through his after sex Hair. ,,I'm in Heaven with you'' i giggle ,,it's better down here believe me'' he comes up and kiss me ,,You are my Heaven''. 

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