Chapter 5

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I grabbed my bag from my locker and started walking home. This was still the same day that I talked to Alex at the swings. The walk home is pretty far, I could have chose to catch the bus but 1km isn't very far to walk and it was a nice day. I saw a bench and immediately ran over to it. I put my bag on the bench and took my earphones out of one of the pockets on the side of my bag. I started listening to one of my favourite songs, bullet train. I absolutely love dubstep.

I arrived at my destination, home sweet home. I took out my earphones and sit them on my desk. I looked at my phone, checking if Alex has texted me yet, nope. I walked over to my calendar to see what I had to do that day. 'Film and upload'. Yes, I am a youtuber, I have 802,273 subscribers. Its my only escape from life. I decided to a Q&A. I checked my Twitter hashtag, #askwillow to see if I had any questions, yes, yes I did. I turned on my camera and started filming. "Hello guys! It's Willow and I'm back with another Q&A! So the first question is from rainbowunicorns23 and she asks, Would you shave off all your hair for a million dollars? No, I wouldnt, I have nothing to use that money for unless it's food and clothes." I said. I continued on a few more questions and then said, "Well that's all the question for today guys. Thankyou so much for watching, I love you all, bye!"

As soon as I turned off my camera, my phone started vibrating. I took it out of my pocket and saw that I had 1 text. I unlocked my phone to see that Alex had texted me. I smiled. This made me so happy.

"Hey willow :)"

Continuing to smile, I texted him back,

"Hello :D"

"What are you doing?"

"Texting you ;)"


"What are you doing? :3"

By this time I was just saying random things and random smiley faces, I had never talked to a boy before.

"Sitting at the park waiting for you to join me"

I quickly grabbed my keys and drove to the park.
I saw him sitting on the swing, he must of really liked swings.
"Hey!" I yelled
He smiled, gosh his smile is adorable.
I sat on the swing next to him and started swinging slightly.
"I feel like we need to get to know each other better." He exclaimed
"Okay, what do u wanna talk about?" I replied
"Tell me about yourself"
"Well, My name is Willow Mae Jackson, I'm 16 years old and I have been suffering with Anorexia and Anxiety since I was 14"
"Interesting, Anorexia.. whys that?"
Crap. What do I say?
"It's hard to explain..." I trailed off.
We talked for hours, just getting to know each other, telling each other the little things like favourite colours and stuff.

We finally finished talking and we just sat there in silence for a while. It was now 6:30pm. I looked at him to see that he was already looking at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Well, I should probably getting going now" he said.
He stood up and walked over to me, he kissed me on the forehead then walked away. His lips felt as soft as a baby's butt, it was amazing. Did I like him?

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