Chapter 8

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It had been 13 hours since Alex and I were officially dating. Yep, that's right, im a creep. But ugh hes amazing. It was 2am in the morning and I was thinking about him like crazy. I hadn't told Faith yet, I thought it was too soon. But, then again, she is my best friend. I texted her telling her the good news.
"OMG" she messaged back.
Haha. I love faith so much, #nohomo.
"He's amazing." I replied.
"I SHIP IT!!!" She shouted in text.
"Haha #willex" I shipped.
After that I said goodnight and went to sleep.

"Beep, beep, beep."
As soon as my alarm went off I sat straight up, like you would after having a nightmare in movies. Then I realised that it was Monday. Monday's suck. Like UGH! I hope today is just a normal day, so much is happening in my life lately. I got bashed, my dad died, I now live by myself, I met a new boy and now I'm going out with him and lots more. Like dude, who ever is controlling my life, calm down a bit please.

I got out of bed and got dressed. Today I had Drama, Maths and Japanese. Bleh. I did the usual stuff to get ready for school, you know, brushed my teeth, packed my bag, brushed my hair, all that stuff. I was ready for school and I still had 5 minutes until I got on the bus.

"Phillip!" I yelled.

He ran into my room and jumped on my bed. I patted him on the head until he fell asleep.

"Hey, you at school yet?" I messaged Alex.

"Nah, just getting on the bus now."

"Crap!" I replied.

I looked at the time on my phone and it was 8:56AM. The time on my alarm clock was wrong! I looked outside to see the bus driving past my house. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed my bag and jogged out the door.

I arrived at school just on time. First was Japanese, Alex was in this class today. As we walked into the classroom together, Mr Hingwu said "おはよう". Which means Goodmorning. We all replied with saying Goodmorning back to him. Japanese is boring, but it's definitely better then like Maths or something like that. I guess it's okay, all we have to do is learn weird words and symbols and then remember them, it's not hard. Although Japanese is SO much different to our other subjects, Mr Hingwu is extremely nice. Inside the classroom there are tables all scattered around the room, some of them only have one seat, some of the have four seats. Alex and I walked over to a two seater table and place our books down.
"Great, an hour of nothing but utter bullcrap." Whispers Alex while sighing.
"Oh come on, it's not that bad!" I shout.
Then we both noticed Mr Hingwu walking towards us.
"What's not that bad? he asked.
"Uhh.." I mumbled.
"Macaroons from McDonalds!" Alex yelled.
"Yeah! Their delicious!"
"I don't know how you like them.."
After Alex and I fake argued about macaroons for a minute or so our teacher just walked away.
Strait after Mr Hingwu walked away I couldn't hold in the laughter any longer. We immediately started laughing.
"Why from McDonald's?" I asked
"First thing that popped into my head" he giggled.
His laugh is adorable.

The bell rang for lunch, thank god it was getting closer to the end of the day. I had no idea where Alex was, he must of been with his friends or something. But anyway, I walked over to the tree where Faith and I usually sit but then I noticed that she wasn't there, and she's always there first. I didn't think anything about it though, I sat down and yes, I actually had some food, I managed to force myself to eat half a sandwich with cheese and ham on it. I sat for about 2 minutes and then I heard someone whelp. Suddenly my throat went really dry and my stomach felt like, I don't even know how to explain it.
"WILLOW!" I heard a scream from the same place I heard the whelp. I got strait up and ran towards the yelling. Obviously no one cared that some girl just screamed, sounding like they were in loads of pain. I finally found the girl. And yep, you guessed it, it was Faith. The same group of boys that were bashing me that time, were now bashing Faith, but like, 3 times worse. She had blood dripping down her nose and her mouth, cuts all over her, clothes ripped to shreds. Tears filled my eyes, she look as if she had been attacked by a lion.
"STOP!" I screamed.
2 boys stopped and looked up at me.
"Oh, hey, guys, this is the girl that stopped Alex from gang bashing people with us!" One of them yelled.
Alex ran around the corner and as soon as he saw Faith he stopped running, and then he walked up to the boy who just punched Faith in the nose, and did the same to him. Yep, that's right, Alex punched that guy right in the nose. After that I felt like my whole life flashed before my eyes. 3 of the guys ran over to me a grabbed my arms, one of them just stood next to me.
"IF YOU COME ANYWHERE NEAR US WE WILL HURT HER!" The guy holding my left arm, very tightly, yelled.

Alex stood there, obviously frustrated because he was sweating. They must know that I'm his girlfriend. In the corner of my eye I noticed that Faith managed to escape, blood dripping down her neck. I didn't turn my head otherwise the boys would notice that she escaped.
"What the hell am I supposed to do then?" Alex yelled.
They had no idea what they were going to say, they stood there looking at each other with confused expressions on their faces.
But then suddenly, Alex sprinted towards them, while they were distracted. Obviously one of the stupid boys wasn't thinking because they punched me right in the head. My vision started to go blurry, I faintly saw Alex punch the guys, but I don't know what he did. I'm not sure where they went but as soon and I got too dizzy and collapsed, I felt someone catch me, but then I don't remember what happened after that, I must of fainted or something.

I woke up in the emergency room at the school, Alex was sitting on the bed thingo next to me.
"Hey" I groaned.
He smiled back.
"Your probably wondering what hap-" He said.
"No" I cut him off.
I looked at my arm, there was a drip thing stuck in it. I then heard my phone beep.
"I'm so sorry Willow, I love you so much but I can't take it anymore, Goodbye.. I love you.." Faith messaged.
I literally froze in shock. She couldn't be doing this. I ripped the drip out of my arm and ran strait home, I didn't care that hundreds of teachers and students were staring at me. I needed to get to Faith.

I arrived at her house, balling my eyes out. Faith is my everything, without her I'm empty. I have no one else that understands me like she does, not even Alex. She's been my only friend for years, since fourth grade to be exact. She's stuck with me for so so long, even though I'm the most annoying person in the world. I need her, she can't leave me. First I ran into her bedroom, all that was there was a note that said 'Willow' on it. She didn't have notes for her parents because they treat her like crap. She's like their human slave. I grabbed the note and stuffed it in my pocket. No one was home, obviously because it was during the day. Next I jogged into the bathroom. As soon as I laid foot in there I stopped running. I stopped breathing. She can't be gone, no, this isn't happening, I thought.

Faith was lying on the floor, blood dripping from her wrists. An empty bottle with a few pills laying next to it was also next to her. I started crying even more. I dropped to my knees and laid my head in my arms.
While I was sitting next to her, with my knees in my arms, I heard someone run into the house.
"What's wrong?" I heard a voice say.
I looked up, it was her next door neighbour. I just sat there crying. The neighbour was saying something, but I just didn't care. All I was focused on was that I would never be able to talk to Faith again.
I was now laying my head on her stomach, wishing that she would some how magically come back to life.
Suddenly I heard sirens in the distance, but they kept on getting louder. A rush of people ran into the bathroom and placed Faith on a bed. They took her outside and wheeled the bed thing inside the Ambulance. I jumped inside and rode with her.
"Everything will be okay, Willow, you'll be fine." I kept whispering to myself.

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