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I twisted the door knob and get inside.

"Aesop? Is that you? Where did you go at this time?"


3rd POV
Aesop flinched and froze there. Its nearly 3am he never thought anyone would be awake!

"U-um.. I can't sleep so I went outside for some walk.." Aesop turn around to look at the person. It was Eli. His glowing azure blue eyes can be seen as he has taken off his blindfold during night.

Eli's face turns into a frown. "Its pretty late and cold. You should sleep.."

"Y-yes.. I'm going now." Aesop walk passed Eli and into his room. Eli just raises his eyebrows at that. "He won't usually awake at this time.." He sighed and shrugged it off as he went back to his room. Laying on his bed, darkness take over him as he fell into a deep slumber with his owl beside him.

The next day.
Eli waked up early today so he thought he would help the others with breakfast. He gets ready and wore his usual dark blue attire with of course, his blindfold. Walking downstairs to the kitchen he could see Fiona and Patricia mixing up the batter to makes pancake. "Good morning. Do you need help?" The Seer spoke up to catch both of the girls attention.

Fiona chuckled. "No, Eli. Remember the other day you burnt the eggs?"

"And putting in the sugar in the curry instead of salt." Patricia added.

Eli was about to spoke up in protest but Vera cut him off with a laugh, "You can help me to set the table!" With that, Eli smiled and went to help Vera. Its not that he's always the hardworking type but doesn't help with anything sounds like bad. That's how Eli was. He's a nice guy.

Naib's yawn was so loud that it makes Eli stop what he was doing and look at him. He was walking to the couch and plopped down on it, conquering the whole couch. Obviously want to continue his sleep.

"What's the point of you wake up early to continue your sleep here, Naib?" Eli sent his owl to Naib to interrupt his sleep. "Why don't you go wake up the others?"

"Ahhhh Eli! Geez! Fine.." He wake up lazily and went upstairs to do as what Eli said. If not he won't stop bothering. "AHH! If the owl isn't his companion I would just fry it!" He whispered to himself and rolled his eyes. He's in front of Norton Campbell the prospector room right now. "Oi Nort!" Naib knocked on the door violently not caring about anything at all.

Norton open the door with grumpy expression, probably because of Naib being noisy. "Oops. The demon with messy bed hair is awake. Breakfast will be ready in few minutes okay bye~" He quickly went to another room with a laugh.

He knocked on the door. Its Aesop's room, his best friend's room. His face turned into a frown when his dear friend didn't open the door. "Aesop?" Naib knock the door again while calling out his name.

"Aesop? I'm coming in." He opened the door as his eyes widen at the sight in front of him. The poor pale embalmer was on the floor unconscious, with his heavy breathing. "Aesop! Aesop! Wake up! What happened?!"

Naib's loud voice makes the awake survivors downstairs curious with what happen. William the forward went into the room curiously when he heard the loud voice so clearly because Aesop's room is just beside him.

Naib noticed the man who peeked into the room, "William! Bring Emily here! Hurry!"

William nodded and quickly runs away to find the doctor. Naib keeps shaking Aesop's body in hope he would open his eyes like the usual morning. "Tsk, he's burning up. How come this happen today of all day?"

5 minutes later Emily entered the room with some tools in case it would help. "What happened, Naib?"

"I don't know, I just went into his room and saw he's on the floor unconscious. He doesn't usually get sick either." Naib carried the gray haired boy and lay him down on the bed while Emily quickly did few checkups on the boy.

"Its just a fever but his temperature almost reach 40 celcius. We need to be careful with him. Feed him some ice cream or something cold when he wake up." The doctor puts a wet towel on his forehead. "Its weird though. He's pretty fine yesterday."

"I don't know why either. He's the type of idiot who won't get sick." Naib lifted his shoulder symboling he doesn't know the answer. "Whoops! I need to wake up the room others--" Naib hopped down from Aesop's bed but didn't finish his sentence when he saw lots of survivors peeking on the door. "Or... Not."

"Is he okay?"

"What happened to Aesop?!"

Was mostly what the question filling up the whole room with confused Naib. "Alright alright, everyone. Such a kind heart of you to worry about our dear Aesop but he need rest. Let's go downstairs and have breakfast okay?" Emily smiled and clapped his hand to shoo away the crowd in front of Aesop's room.

Naib joined Emily and the other survivors to go downstairs. Eli saw Naib and quickly walked up to him, "I know what you're gonna ask, Eli." The mercenary calmed the worried seer when he was about to bump into Eli. "The idiot Aesop got a fever~"

Naib pulled Eli's hand to join the others at the dining table having breakfast. "He's fine, Eli. I know both of you are the closest with Aesop but don't worry. He's fine." Mike spoke up when he noticed Eli stay froze with the news he just heard from Naib.

"Yes, Eli! Aesop isn't a small child! He's doing fine I'm sure~" Vera spoke up the give him some encouragement.

Lips curled into a smile, the seer picked up the fork and started eating. "Eli, you're such a worrywart! Hey I wanna have a fever too! Would you worry about me too?" Naib teased the seer with a laugh.

Eli shot a glare at Naib. "I would bother you with my owl every night if you did." Naib looked away while whistling as if he was innocent. "Emily, yesterday I saw Aesop went out in the midnight. He said he just go for a walk but... Its pretty cold outside and I knew he hate that so much." Eli spoke up after he's done with Naib.

"Is that it? Then I'll get some answers from him directly later."

Soft creak from the old wood stairs can be heard. It was footsteps of someone. Aesop was dressed in his usual english grey attire with his makeup tools or suitcase, on his hand and his usual surgical mask. "Go.. Good morning..." Aesop spoke up weakly.

"Aesop?! You should get some rest!" Emily said worriedly while looking at the embalmer taking a seat beside Lucky. Aesop slides down his mask, getting ready to eat. "I'm fine, Emil-" Blood dropped on the white table cloth, staining it with red crimson colour.

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