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He didn't even bother to reply to my words. Instead, he stared into my eyes. Its.. Uncomfortable. I thought as I looked away but suddenly felt my mask was loosen off.


Aesop's POV

My mask was loosen off.. And was taken off. The stitches on my mouth wasn't hidden. My whole face was exposed to him, this hunter, which I shouldn't supposed to.

I just froze there, confused with his act. I can't look at him at all, I don't know why, but it makes my face feels hot. He's caressing my cheeks softly and keeps looking at me. I hope we're alone. This is bad if The Host know about our interact.

"You're beautiful..." The voice makes me looked at him.

"S-sorry... Who?" I looked at him with flushed red face.

"You.. The one in front of me now.. Only you, dear." He smiled as his face was really close with mine. "Your face is red. So cute. I wonder how you'll react if I.."

My eyes went wide as I felt a pair of warm lips on mine. I still froze there, completely clueless as he pulled away few minutes after. My face? You can call me a tomato right now. My heart was also beating faster, not like when the hunter was near but its different. I was looking away all the time, avoiding eye contact. I can't even look at him. Its so.. Embarrassing? I know I'm not supposed to be here. We're in the middle of match.

Joseph's POV
The kiss was short but amazing. Oh, look. He's blushing. I still can see his face even though he was looking away since I'm taller than him. Well, I'm still short when I'm with other hunters and shut up, I don't want to admit it.

I guess I'm getting cocky but I can't leave him all alone. I wish I could claim him as mine. Oh wait, I will.

I hold his chin and bring up his face closer. Oh my, he's so cute. I really want to fu- No, not yet. "Are you okay?"

He nodded slowly but still looking away. Ah, are you craving for more? I caressed his cheeks softly. "Do you not.. Like it?" I whispered, which earn a flinch from him.

"U-um... Uh.." His mouth opened to speak but was closed back as he bit his lips.

Oh no, don't bit too hard. If your lips is bleeding I'll torture your lips too. I just stared at him waiting for an answer. Am I going too far? He looks really shy or... He's always like that? I don't know how this lil survivor catch my heart. I didn't even know him much but I feels like he means a lot for me. I know its so risky to love someone here in this manor, especially when I'm the hunter and he's the survivor. I should just... Be careful.

Aesop's POV
He's staring at me. He's staring at me. I can't say anything, its like my mouth was locked. What is this feeling? Its weird. Wait.. Is he the one who send me the letter?

The siren could be heard signaling all the 5 ciphers are finished decoding. I quickly grab my mask on the ground and run to the gate leaving him. He just look at me running without taking any steps forward.

Naib the Mercenary was typing the password when I arrived in front of the gate. Eli and Tracy was also here while both of them look at me with a confused look.

Eli spoke up, "Hey, Aesop. Something happen? You didn't wear your mask and this the first time you take it off during a match!"

"Dude, your face is red too. Did you catch a cold?" Naib talked after he's done inputting the password.

"Tell me if something's wrong, Aesop!" Tracy said worriedly.

"You guys treat me like I'm a small child." When the gate are fully open, all of us run to escape from this place. "I'm just running from the hunter before and my mask got a bit dirty. Its a bit uncomfortable for me that's why I take it off." I laughed nervously.

"You know you can always rely to us, right? You're still new to this manor, so I think you're our little brother! Right, Naib?" Tracy chuckled as he turn to look at Naib.

"Its weird to look at him as a little brother, Tracy. But i-its not like I like it! I'll just go along with your blabbering... I guess." Naib turned to the side and run faster.

"Who's blabbering?!" Tracy runs faster to catch up with Naib. While both of them are causing a fuss, Eli patted my shoulder. "Good job today, Aesop. You got a small wound on your head though. Make sure to go straight to Emily after this."

I smiled and nodded. Soon after, the place went dark and we was teleported back to a room. 4 of the survivors was seated on a chair at the table. The hunter was behind us. Or more likely, behind me. He was so close.

"See you later, my dear.." The voice whispered as the room went dark again and we were sent back to the manor. I was blushing the whole time and they're getting worried. I mean, I'm really not used to this. I don't know about love at all. Besides, what if The Host know?

I shook my head and sighed. Get it off my mind. That's the best way. "Did it hurt?" Emily asked, when she was treating my wound.

"A bit. But I'm fine." Emily smiled at my words. Ah, that warm smile. Its always makes me comfortable. She's just like our mother. I chuckled at the thought, "Emily, you're just like our mother."

"I think everyone already say that to me but.. I think I'll admit it." She wrapped the bandage on my head. "The wound is kind of deep so I think you can't join the matches maybe for 1-2 days.. I'll confirm about this later. Aaand you're done! Make sure to eat and rest."

"Thank you." I walked to my room and push the door open as I put my makeup kit on the desk beside my bed. I think it will be really boring when I can't do anything other than rest. I sighed at the thought.

I guess I should take a bath. As he was taking off his clothes, he noticed a small paper beside his bed. It was a note.

Dear embalmer,

              Meet me at the garden at 12am. Make sure everyone are sleeping and please come alone. Thank you.

I frowned. Should I go, or not?


A/N: Yay a bit early update~ I slap myself to not be lazy lolol. Hey hey I just made a new fb acc cause recently I'm having a breakdown with toxic people and backstabbing soooo I'm leaving my old acc just like my past. Add me if you want! Its Kei Kei with the same profile picture as wattpad. We could talk about idv a lot~ 

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