Valentine Special!

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Hello! I decided to slip in some extra oneshot for Valentine! You can skip this if you want because this story isn't connected to No Doubt.

Smut warning!


13th February, the day before valentine day. Aesop is currently in his room, pouting and sulking. Its been a month since he's in a relationship with Joseph but the photographer doesn't make any move. They haven't kiss even once yet and this makes the embalmer frustrated. Aesop wanted lots of love, affection and attention from his lover but of course he won't say it out loud. He's too embarrassed and just want to keeps waiting but waiting doesn't make any change.

2pm, just an hour before another match starts. Aesop will play with Norton, Kevin, Patricia, Tracy, Fiona, Naib and Eli. Its the 2v8 match which Aesop hated so much since its so tiring. No one who the 2 hunter they will play against and well, Aesop didn't care. He just want to finish the match quickly and went to sleep.

Time skip brought to you by lenny face

All of the survivors are ready. They're already on the dining table they usually wait before the match but the hunter today are being so late. Aesop was wearing white and gold english suit and usual surgical mask with his hair dyed to blonde. 10 minutes passed and the hunters isn't here yet. The survivors are getting bored and started playing around with each other.

"Hey, Naib. Let me give you a make over." Aesop takes out a brush from his makeup box then hold Naib's chin.

"Ew no! Not me!" Naib struggled. He's not getting the makeup. Ew, that's girly.

"Ah come on just a lil bit-"

Aesop was about to draw take out all of his makeup tools ready to do some makeup on Naib but stopped when the speaker announced the match will start in 5 seconds. The room soon went dark and all of them teleported on random places.

Moonlit River Park. Aesop opened his eyes and looked around to find a good spot for summoning his coffin. "Finish fast, go back to the manor fast." He runs to the bushes and summoned his coffin quickly before running to the nearest cipher. For now all of his teammates looks fine. Good. He began decoding while his mind keeps hoping the hunters today isn't Joseph. "Ah!" Aesop missed the calibration. His mind was distracting him, he can't focus.

Aesop saw the red light on the corner of his eyes. Damn, not now. He doesn't turn around and keeps running, slamming down the pallets he can find. The hunter was fast and knocked him down with terror shock. The gray haired embalmer hold his head on the ground in pain and dizziness.

The hunter kneeled down and hold Aesop's chin up. "Running away from me?" Joseph smirked, looking at the poor embalmer in pain. Aesop looked away when he noticed its Joseph, his lover. "Hey, look at me. Why did you avoid me recently?"

"...." Aesop stay quiet at the photographer's question. Joseph raised his eyebrows when his lover just stayed quiet like this. That's weird, Aesop never act like this before. Joseph sighed and tied the embalmer to a flooting balloon then lift him up while walking to an abandoned circus tent before putting the survivor back on the ground.

"Aesop.. Answer me." The hunter hold Aesop's hand to make sure he won't run away.

Aesop just looked away and stay quiet once again which received an unexpected act from Joseph. Joseph slides down his mask and holds the embalmer's chin, kissing him. This happen too sudden. Aesop's eyes went wide as his face is as red as tomato from the sudden act. He never expected this at all. "Mmh.." Aesop tried to get away from the kiss but Joseph deepen his kiss even more and licked his lover's tongue.

Joseph stopped when Aesop is almost out of breath. "I didn't know you can make this kind of face.." Joseph smirked when he looks at his lover was panting for more air, face flushed red and some saliva on the corner of his lips.

"W-what.. Are you doing..!" Aesop talked in between huffing for air and looked at Joseph, embarrassed.

"You won't talk to me so.. I use another way. And... You've been avoiding me recently so this is the only way to catch your attention." Joseph hugged the embalmer tightly. "But what's this? I haven't meet you for some days but you changed your look and become more beautiful, my dear~?" Joseph lift up the embalmer's cloth to reveal his skin.

"S-stop that..!" Aesop pushed the hunter and backed away in embarrassment.

"No, I won't." Joseph pinned him against the wall and looks into the embalmer's eyes. "I missed you a lot. Stop avoiding me." Joseph smiled and slowly loosened Aesop's clothes and take them off, revealing his small frail body.

"D-don't.. Uh you need to hunt the survivors..." Aesop looked away.

"Jack will do it, don't worry. Now, now.. Its time for me to claim you as mine." Joseph licked his neck and bites down on it which earned a yelp from Aesop. "AH!" Joseph ignored it and sucked on the spot until he's satisfied.

"Y-you idiot.." Aesop looked up at the hunter in front of him.

"4 ciphers left. Let's make it fast~" Joseph smirked and turned the embalmer. "I'll be gentle~" He slips down Aesop's pure white pants and inserted one finger into him.

"Ah! H-hnn.." Aesop moaned at the weird feeling inside him. Satisfied with the reaction he get, Joseph inserted another finger and starts moving around while looking at his moaning partner. That's sexy. "J-joseph..." Tears dripping from the corner of the embalmer's eyes from the pleasure he felt for the first time.

"I-its weird.. Hah.."

"I wanted to wait until tomorrow, the valentine's day but the way you keeps avoiding me kinda makes me mad y'know~?" Joseph whispered and licked his ear.

Aesop blushed more at that hid his face between his hands. "Now, monsieur~ It's time~" Joseph lay him down on the ground and unbuckled his belt along with taking off his pants. "I'm quite hard from listening to your cute moans so.."

"Wait! Y-you can't be serious.. What if someone- AHH!" Aesop moaned out loud when Joseph suddenly thrusted into him.

"Sorry.. I can't control myself." Joseph smirked and kissed his partner sloppily with muffled moans from him.

Joseph starts thrusting into the embalmer in a slow pace. Aesop was a mess. He's moaning, some tears are dripping, with his blushing face. "J-joseph.. AH.." Aesop moaned louder when the thrusts are getting faster. Eyes closed, he wrapped his hands around Joseph while biting his lips to keeps quiet. Its dangerous if someone would see this. Too dangerous.

After some few thrusts, the embalmer let out a cry of pleasure as well as his orgasm. White sticky substance was on his stomach and some was on the ground. However, the hunter isn't finished yet. The siren sound can be heard around the place means the survivors can escape. "You're done, Aesop? But I'm not~" Joseph pulled out from him, his member still hard.


"Finish it." Joseph holds the embalmer's hand and makes him hold his hard member. "Suck it~" The hunter cooed.

Aesop went red again and hesitated. He just look at what's been inside him before. "Hurry up or your friends will find you.."

Aesop has no choice now. He slowly licked the tip and soon take all the length inside his mouth. Its hot.. He bobbed his head swirl his tongue around his member. Looking up at his partner, Joseph is closing his eyes from enjoying the pleasure.

His muscle tensed up before releasing his seeds inside the embalmer's mouth without any warning. Aesop swallowed his seeds and looked away. "Good job~ Oh you want some help with wearing your clothes? Maybe~ I can touch your body once again before you go back to the manor.." The hunter teased.

"" Aesop mumbled and quickly putting on his clothes back then running away, leaving his partner alone. Some of his friends are waiting at the gate. "Aesop? Are you okay?" Eli asked when he saw his friend looks weird. Aesop is blushing a lot and he looks like he's out of breath. His clothes also looks like a mess..? He was completely fine before the match.

"I-i'm fine.." Aesop runs into the dungeon and escaped successfully with his friends.

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