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Joseph whispered to himself with a soft smile.

"Night would be the right time."


The mercenary looked at the sleeping embalmer with a sigh of relief. Its good that Aesop finally won't be stubborn again. Naib closed the door and walked downstairs as he saw Eli sitting on a couch, with his arms folded in annoyance while his owl perched on his shoulder like usual.

"Yo, Eli." Naib took a seat beside the seer. "Don't worry, Aesop is sleeping."

"Yes, I know." Eli replied with his mad tone.

"You're scaring him." Naib added, while he looked at Eli. Even Naib himself doesn't know why Eli could have gone that far. True, Aesop's behaviour recently makes everyone worried but being harsh isn't the answer.

Eli sighed and looked at Naib. "Can you see that bruises on his cheeks?! Wounds on his head, and dried blood all over his cloths?!"

"Yes, Eli.. Yes, yes. I know all of that. I saw it with my own eyes. But don't you also see it that he's scared when you raised your voice? Please, don't add more problem.." The mercenary rubbed Eli's back in comfort. "I know you're worried about him more than anyone else.."

Eli nodded slowly. "I'm.. Sorry.. Let me replace Aesop for the next match." The seer stood up and pulls up his hood a bit before walking away, heading to the matching room.

"Good luck." Naib watched his friend until he's disappeared from his vision. Eli was so nice and caring, that's why he got so worried. There's one time where Emma was so badly injured after a match and Eli helped Emily a lot with the treatment. He's like a mum, same like Emily the doctor.

Time skip brought to you by Eli's pouting face

Cold air in the midnight brushed on the embalmer's skin. Aesop was still sleeping since before and haven't wake up. Eli was worried again but Naib calmed him down, maybe Aesop was too tired since its been a while since he last get some rest.


"Ouch.." Someone was groaning in pain after the loud bump noise from outside. Naib didn't close the window before to get the fresh air coming inside.


The embalmer shifted to the side and pull the blanket covering his whole body. Maybe someone was bothering his sleep, that's what he thought.

"Aesop!" The voice was almost like shouting but still in whispering.

"Mngh... I don't want to eat...." Aesop talked in a low voice, hoping the disturbing voice calling out his name would stop."It's me, Joseph!"

Aesop's eyes shot open as he searched for the source of voice in dark. "J-joseph..? Where?"

The dark figure at the window successfully get in after he struggled with his hair stuck. Now his hair was a mess. Moonlight shone through the window with Joseph stood there, revealing the person to the embalmer. "J-joseph...?" Aesop started sobbing with soft sniffles. He need to keep it down because its midnight and everyone are sleeping.

"Yes, its me." Joseph smiled and hug the embalmer while rubbing his back softly. "I'm here now, please don't cry.. You're cute when crying but you're even more perfect if you smile." The photographer calmed Aesop down with comforting words.

Aesop blushed at the words. Its been a while since he got a hug from Joseph. His touch, kiss, hug, and everything.. He missed it. Oh how he doesn't wanna let Joseph go forever. "Did you sneak in..?"

Joseph nodded as a reply. "More importantly, what happened with you? You looks... Bad! What's with those bruises and wounds?" The photographer hold Aesop's chin and make him look up to get a closer look on the wounds and bruises.

Aesop's face turned into disappointment as he slapped the photographer's hand off. "I was.. Waiting for you. Finding you. I've been joining the matches non stop... Why haven't you showed up?" The bed made a creaking sound as the embalmer took a seat on it while looking away. He's both disappointed and sad with the sacrifice he took but only get nothing in result.

"Aesop, my love.. I'm sorry. I also didn't know why but I can't join the match! I thought I would be in my room all the day again today but surprisingly I was scheduled to be in the match. I just accepted because I want to find you in the match but I also can't find you.." Joseph explained what's stuck in his mind while looking at the embalmer. It's weird but this is the first time this kind of thing happened in the match. The hunters would participate in the matches at least 4 times a week but Joseph wasn't allowed to join the matches for more than a week.

"Did you think they found out about our relationship..?" The embalmer pat on the bed signaling Joseph to sit beside him.

Joseph take a seat beside his lover as he wrapped his arms around him, slightly hugging him softly trying not to hurt him. "I'm sure its not.. If that really is the reason, let's figure out the way. I love you so much and I don't care about the risk.."

Aesop nodded as response while he closed his eyes into the hug. "I hope I can.. Stay like thi-"

Suddenly, there's some knock on the door as both of them flinched. "Go hide in my closet! Hurry!" Aesop whispered to Joseph while he pointed his finger in the direction of his closet near his desk. Joseph got no time to answer, he quickly went inside the closet and hide inside.

"Aesop? Can I come in?" Aesop noticed its Emily's voice. Maybe she's here for some treatment.

"Mnh.. Okay.." Aesop groaned, acting like he just woke up from sleep. Emily pushed the door and come inside with Naib. "Aesop, I thought you're here with Eli. I heard some voices are talking..?"

Aesop shakes his head. "No, I just woke up. Maybe I'm talking in my sleep?"

"Oh. That makes senses. Sorry for interrupting! I heard some voices earlier so I thought you're awake and I called Emily to come here since she need to change your bandage. Weeelll~ Because you're sleeping all the day and didn't wake up." Naib took a seat on Aesop's chair at the desk.

"I know its already late but I'm sorry, Aesop. Excuse me." Emily took off the old bandage which already stained with dried blood and puts it aside. "Its fine. Thank you for this." The embalmer smiled.

"No problem, Aesop. Its my duty." The doctor smiled as she finished wrapping the bandage on Aesop's head. "There you go. Done! If you ever feel pain anywhere just tell me right away."

"Alright! Now that you're awake, let's go downstairs to snatch some food, Aesop! You need to eat more to get better- OUCH!" Naib accidentally bumped his head on the closet when he stood up.


Naib raised his eyebrows as he noticed the voice was from inside the closed. The mercenary always had a good hearing after all. "Hey. Is there someone inside here?" Naib turned to look at the embalmer waiting for answer.

- I made No Doubt 2 (check my profile) since I couldn't publish here anymore. I'll explain the details on the sequel book. Go check it out if you want to know what will happen to Joseph in the closet~

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