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I sit on my bed and open the letter slowly. I hope its not something bad. I don't want to get into trouble.

My eyes widen at what's written in the letter.

Aesop's POV

I read the letter repeatedly to make sure I'm not mistaken. But no.

Dear embalmer,

I don't know your name yet but you makes me fall for you. I really want to take off that mask of yours and see your face~ Are you wondering who I am? You'll know soon enough.

I folded the letter and put it on the desk. Is the letter from the survivors or hunters? No, it can't be from the hunters. They can't even enter the survivors manor because it's forbidden to do so.

I sighed. "There's nothing to worry as long as the person doesn't do anything bad... Right?"

I've never been in love before and I rarely talk to anyone before coming here. Me, my work, corpse, that's all. I don't feel anything about this.

I shook my head. "Forget it all. Its not important."

I lay on my bed and sighed. Survivors and hunters are forbidden meet each other except in the matches. I can't imagine a relationship like this. I closed my eyes and falls into a deep slumber.


"-sop! Aesop!"

I opened my eyes slowly when I heard the loud voice. I looked at the person in front of me. His owl was on his right shoulder, sleeping soundly. "Oh its you, Eli.. What is it?"

"I knock the door but you didn't answer it so I'm sorry to barge in.. Um anyway its time for lunch and we need to get ready for the match after that." Eli pat his owl who always keeps him company. The owl looks fluffy.

"Ah, right. Wait, you're in the next match with me?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. I volunteered. I'm bored staying in my room all the time anyway. Good luck for both of us. Ah, I got a news that Naib and Tracy are also with us for this match. You better eat more in lunch today okay buddy? Sure, Tracy are quite fast sometimes they finished decoding before you and Naib is good at kiting. But you need energy for this. I don't want to see you get injured. Eli smiled and pat my shoulders then walked out of my room before closing the door.

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