chapter 20

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"I'm doctor Paul Grey and I'm here to do a few tests on you but before we start do you think you could change into this gown real quick? I'll be right back I just need to grab a few things. You can leave your underwear on for now.

I nod my head and it sets the clothing next to me and walks back out.

"Do you want me to step out?" Lucas asks.

I shake my head, "could you just look the other way."

He smiles and then turns around. I get changed and put on the road and fluffy socks but then run into a problem with tying the back.

"Um…. Lucas?"

"Yes?" he asks still not turning around.

"I need some help. I can't get the back tied." 

I could feel my face getting redder and redder with embarrassment. He turns back to face me and quickly ties the for me. Then after I sit down he lays the blanket over me. After a while there's a quiet knock on the door and Lucas answers telling them to come in. Dr. Grey and Nurse Willow come in.

"So first I'm gonna need to check your blood pressure and heart rate, run a few blood tests, and have you drink this drink so we can do an ultrasound on your appendix," Dr. Grey says.

I look back at the nurse to see her setting down a nasty looking drink on the counter. Dr. Gray first puts an IV in my arm after taking my blood and then connects me to the machines to get my heart rate and blood pressure. After that they gave me a huge cup. They are insane if they think I can drink all of this. It tasted terrible and was hard to get down. I had gotten a bit more than half way and my side hurt too much and I felt like I would puke if I drank any more.

" I have to drink all of this?" I ask.

"We would prefer it if you do," nurse Willow says.

I looked down at the cup and could feel the tears building up again.

"Can't she stop now? She has almost finished it all and it's obvious she can't drink anymore," Lucas says a bit angrily.

"Yes, she can stop. I think it's time to do that ultrasound," Dr. Grey says. "It will be just down the hall if you could stay here and wait we will be right back."

"You're gonna be okay," Lucas whispers to me.

They roll the bed down the hall and we stop in another room with another lady in there. She quickly does the ultrasound and let's me use the bathroom real quick before she brings me back. She leaves Lucas and I alone telling us Dr. Grey will be back soon. We both sit in silence watching the kid show on the tv. About an hour later Dr Grey comes back but this time with a guy nurse next to him.

"This is Nurse Brewer. I've gone over the results and it's definitely appendicitis. It hasn't ruptured yet but we will need to be getting it out today. I know this isn't the best time but do you know how you will be paying this?"

"I'm still on my grandparents care which should cover it," I tell him.

"Okay all I need is the information and then we will be giving you surgery later tonight. Nothing to eat or drink until then. Also make sure to take everything off under that for surgery."

After I give Dr. Grey the information he leaves. I pull out my phone and text both my grandparents and Lainey about what's going on. Lainey at first freaked out but then started calling Lucas my prince charming. My grandparents just said not to worry and that's everything is covered and also that they will be praying for me. Lucas's phone starts ringing and he immediately picks up. I decided not to listen in on the call and try to focus on watching the show. My mind kept wandering to the surgery which just made me more worried.

"My mom just called wanting to make sure everything was okay and said that she can grab some clothes for you to change into afterwards," Lucas says.

I just give a slight nod.

"Is everything okay?"

"I'm scared," I say in a whisper.

Lucas then moves so he's sitting right next to me on the bed.

"I promise you that everything is going to be okay," he says putting his arm around and rubbing my arm.

A while later Lucas's family shows up with a backpack with a change of clothes for me. We put the plastic bag with my old close in there also so we don't lose them. Addi and Michael and up chatting the whole time about what they've done today. They end up all leaving to go get dinner and Lucas refuses to go get something to eat saying that if I can eat anything he won't either and will wait until I'm in surgery. There's a knock and my door and a different doctor comes.

"I'm Dr. Vicks and I'll be the one removing your appendix and I promise you in good hands," he says with a smile.

"I don't know," says the lady who's waiting with the bed out in the hall. "He's not trusted to steer these beds."

Both of them laugh and then I get led over to the other bed. They lay a few blankets over me to help keep me warm. Lucas hold my hand the whole way.

"I have to go now," Lucas says letting go. "I'll be waiting for you the whole time and will be there when you wake up," he says hugging me. 

After that they roll me back. After giving me a few drugs I get extremely tired and pass out immediately.

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