Chapter 8

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I made it out of the prison, my makeshift crutch still holding up. In the hallway I had entered, they're were dead Erstwhile Soldiers trailing in one direction. 

'That must be were they went.' I thought, sighing with relief. I grabbed a sword from one of the dead soldiers, the handle fitting my hand perfectly. The blade was a blueish green, like the flesh on my face, and was bound to the hilt with leather straps, and cords made from vines. 'I like this.' I thought to myself.

Limping down the hallway, I looked behind me. Nothing. I looked in front of me. Nothing. I look back and BAM! Trexin's snout is right up in my face. 

"Hey guys, I found him." He laughed. I let out a chuckle and shook my head. 

"Don't sneak up on me like that, boy." I said to him and patted his back. Kenna, Vraska and Gesani came from behind him, explained what happened.  Kenna, Trexin and Gesani took out most of the Erstwhile, while Vraska insisted on waiting for me. When she heard the Molderhulks roar, she came running up the stairs. 

"So yeah, you didn't miss much. We know where the Phylactery is  and we know where the armory is, so we can get some weapons, destroy the Phylactery and then kill Jarad, right?" Kenna said, then asked. 

"I think that's how it works. " I said. Vraska looked at me and shook her head. 

"Nope. Destroy the Phylactery and Jarad dies. There's no other way to kill a lich, unless a divine being says otherwise." She explained, removing any doubt. 

"Then it's simple. I'll distract Jarad, and you guys destroy the Phylactery." No one argued with me. Gesani patched up my legs, and gave me a medicinal powder (which I found later to be cocaine laced with Fairy Dust). I walked around, and was pleased to find the pain in my legs was gone. The group and I split up, Trexin, Kenna, Vraska, and Gesani going to the Phylactery, and I went to Jarad's throne room. 
"Guihave, wait." Gesani said, coming back to me after the rest of them left. 

"What's up?" I turned to her. She ran up and hugged me, to my suprise. 

"Promise me you'll come back in one piece? Or at most, multiple, fixable and living pieces?" She looked up at me. My cheeks felt really warm. I didn't say anything. I just nodded and hugged her back. I turned and went to the throne room, determined to win. For my family's name, for vengeance.

For Gesani.  

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