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This is set after the 6th season, but some things have been changed to suit the story. Ozzy and Richelle are very close, but not dating; and Noah has a crush on Richelle, but doesn't know how to tell her. Certain characters positions/personalities have been altered too. Richelle was injured. So on, and so forth. S7 doesn't exist as of this story lmao.


-Richelle's POV-

I entered the studio, my duffel bag slung over my right shoulder, and water bottle in hand. I was so excited to finally be going back to The Next Step after my break.

At the end of the prior dance season, I injured myself trying out a new trick, & cracked my tail bone. Painful, but not severe.. Due to this, Michelle & Emily had me benched for the remaining two weeks of the competition season, & I was withdrawn from all routines.

I stood at the entrance to the studio, & took a long, deep, breath, feeling happy to be back. I couldn't believe it had been three months already.

I entered the Next Step, noticing 3-4 people had already turned up, & were warming up. I stood up straight, pulled my shoulders back, & walked in with a confident, determined persona, as I placed my things into the cubby hole, marked with my name.

"Richelle? Is that you?!" Summer mocked, watching me walk over with my towel and bottle, as I sat on the ground next to Piper, & Jaquie.

"oh.. Summer. How... are you doing?" I asked, pausing in between my sentence, showing my obvious disinterest. I didn't have the energy or patience to deal with Summer, and her attitude, right now.

"Wow.. Nice to see you too!" she muttered, smiling with a hint of smugness. I ignored her, then casually greeted Piper & Jacquie, as I started stretching.


-Ozzy's POV-

"You're going to have to practice lots, be dedicated, & remain focused. Without dedication, & focus, you're as good as done, bro. You need to be working on this, & working hard!" Daniel said sternly, throwing me a towel to mop up my sweat with.

"It's really hard man. I'm not a ballet dancer, & I'm no contemporary dancer either." I whined, wiping my face & neck, before chucking the towel back on the ground.

"Um.. Hello?! I already know this! Why else do you think I agreed to give you ballet privates all of off-season? Hmm...?" Daniel said, looking at me with a 'are you kidding me' type of expression.

As a hip hop dancer, & someone with a lot of musical theatre background; I really wanted to work hard on ballet, especially for, Richelle.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. It's just that-.. I'm exhausted man." I complained, hunched over, hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.

"I've spent hours with you this past two months, & there has been so much progression. You just need to keep working, & you'll ace those auditions next week!" Daniel said. "Now, back into position. Do it again!" he commanded, as he ordered for me to practice my leaps again.

With an audible sigh of frustration, I positioned myself at one corner of the room, & began my preparation.


"Um, hello? Ozzy? Richelle is here!" Michelle interrupted, poking her head through the door to Studio B.

I saw Daniel's impatient look, & without another second of hesitation, I sprinted out the door, yelling a quick apology to Daniel as I went.

"Wait... UGH.. Ozzy-" I heard faintly from Studio B, but I was already gone.


-Richelle's POV-

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