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Just before I jump into it.. My second book "Will You Save Me (Nochelle)" is up on my profile. It's a work in progress, much like this one, but please go check it out! It would be greatly appreciated  :)


Noah's POV

I find Richelle in the locker room, knowing that this was my time to get her alone for even five minutes!

"Hey, Richie!" I say as I enter, making my presence known. She looks up from her dance bag, smiles at me, then replies, "Noa!" with a nod of her head.

"You absolutely slayed that audition. I thought you were by far the best out of everyone!" I complimented her, seeing a slight blush  to her cheeks.

"Aww, thank you, Noah." she replied with a grin. "Yeah, Ozzy & I put a lot of effort into that duo!" she responds, grabbing her water bottle from her locker, taking a sip of the cold, refreshing liquid, inside.

"I wasn't talking about yours & Ozzy's duo. I'm talking about how you wiped the floor with everyone, including, Ozzy!" I state, watching Richelle turn bright red again, as she choked on her water.

She looked away, obviously embarrassed, then turned back to face me, this time with a huge, but shy, smile on her face. Instead of replying, or complimenting me back, she hid her face amongst her thick, golden locks.

"Hey.. uh.. Did you wanna come get a shake with me? My shout." I asked nervously. Richelle thought about it for a moment, then smiled. "Sure!" she replied, placing her stuff into her locker.

The two of us walked to Shakes & Ladders together, mostly making small talk. I could sense that, Richelle, was uncomfortable. I wanted to ease the tension, but I thought it would be best to wait until we were comfortably seated.

Once making it to Shakes & Ladders, I told Richelle to go find a seat for us both, then I went to order the shakes. Five minutes later, I was making my way back towards Richelle, who had selected a comfy couch in the corner of the room.

"Strawberry & banana, here you go!" I announced, as I handed her the plastic cup. She took it gratefully, as I took the seat next to her. I turned on an angle so that I could face her while we talk, otherwise it's super awkward.

"So, how have things been?" I asked curiously. She took a mouthful of her drink, then turned her head to look at me.

"Alright, I suppose." she answered, "how about you?" she asked.

"Dance & health wise, I'm doing great!" I reply, followed by a long pause. Neither one of us knew what to say, & the silence was making things very uncomfortable.


Richelle's POV

"How did you & Ozzy get so close in 3 months?"  Noah asked, & I immediately smiled at the thought of, Ozzy.

"It's-.. not a big deal!" I reply, which only made Noah want to know more. He started aggressively shaking me by the shoulders until I agreed to tell him.

"When I ended up in hospital with 'snapping hip syndrome', Ozzy was texting me non-stop, checking on me, & asking how I was doing. Then when I got out of hospital, Ozzy came to my house with a bouquet of my favourite flowers, & a 'Get Well Soon' card. It was so sweet!" I answered, smiling to myself, feeling so lucky to have a friend like, Ozzy!

"Wow, that's.. nice of him.. Like really nice!" Noah said, looking rather surprised by Ozzy's, romantic side.

Even though it seemed like something a couple would do, I can assure you that, Ozzy & I, were just friends.

Kiss thy Queen (Nochelle)Where stories live. Discover now