Chapter Three - Shining Lights

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Many people have a feeling that one day their meaning in life is to do something. A mother, a father, a lover, a friend. Some people say that the more you look the harder it is to find those things, the meaning in your life.

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As I opened my eyes I covered them taking a deep breath as I almost got blinded by the lights brightness. I felt like a vampire in the sun with how bright it was. "Are you up now?" I turned my head to look and see Damian sitting in the chair next to the bed I was on with his head leaned back against the wall. Why was he here? Where was Alise? Something flashed through my mind but before I was able to process it my head started to ache which caused me to groan out in pain. For some reason I felt disappointment flood through me and wash over my body. When I felt his hand come to touch my shoulder I jerked it away as a memory flooded through my head, but it wasn't my memory.

I felt it, his hands sliding down my arm so lightly as though he thought too much pressure would break me, but it wasn't Damians' at the same time. Whoever it was I wasn't looking at his face, but that wasn't what was bothering me. I felt myself yearning for that touch, wanting to be in that person's arms once again. To feel the gentleness of his touch. Another memory flooded through my mind, a man, he had what looked like a sword in one hand in the other was a bottle filled with red liquid in the other. My heart clenched as I saw another man laying in my arms, one who seemed oddly familiar. A whimper forced it's way passed my lips as I looked at my bloodied hand in the dark woods the one similar to my dream, the one which seemed so terrifying but so familiar. I could see the man looking at me, silvery blue eyes dimming by the second. His hand making its way to my face but too late to reach before falling down.

Hands gripped my face pulling me out of whatever that was. The woods weren't real, whatever was happening was a figment of my imagination, I keep telling myself that but as I look down at my trembling hands I knew that memory had to come from somewhere. The hands gripping my face loosened but moved towards my arms before grabbing a hold of my hands to stop them from trembling, he watched me carefully. "Amphrite, I think you should go get the nurse. Seems like we do need her in the end." I looked at the entrance of the room to see Amphrite next to Alise. She nodded at him but never said anything.

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I could hear light voices talking in the background. I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep once again. It was slowly becoming easier to hear and move my body, so as I was able to fully control my body I moved to sit up I was surprised by what I saw. There instead of Damian, Amphrite, and Alise there was a man and one woman, and neither of them was recognisable to me.

Blinking back my surprise I stared at them for a minute as they stared back at me, waiting for me to react. The first one to move was the guy with familiar dark brown hair and golden eye. My first thought was that he was a student from the school. This was the school nursing office after all, but when I looked away from his face and towards his outfit. They were both wearing nurse outfits. "Hello-"

The woman stood up and walked in front of the other. "So, you don't have a fever. How are you feeling? Any headaches? Have you been feeling as though you want to vomit?" I stop her by sitting up and clearing my throat. "Sorry, no. Uhm I had a headache but nothing else or anything unusual. I think I just passed out from not having enough sleep plus the stress."

The lady nods at me and turns around to the man behind her. They started whispering to one another but it was too low for me to hear. Quickly she turned around and a small smile was on her face. "Okay, so if you say you're fine then we won't pressure you or try to hold you. But if you feel anything out of the ordinary, at all, please don't be scared to come to us. Right now it is the third period but it's about to end in just a few minutes so why don't you head to your fourth period instead."

I nod and try and force a smile on my face not exactly knowing what to do or say. It was the first day of school and I already missed two class periods. I couldn't help the sigh that came from my mouth as I stood up to leave. "Uh, thanks-" I stop myself and turn around leaving and going into the hallway and the awkwardness I created in the nurse's office.

The bell had rung and I still hadn't found my fourth period classroom. I had looked over all my classes with Alise during the open house during the summer so I know we have almost literally every class together except second and sixth. I wasn't going to complain though.

I had bumped into a few people on the way in this crowded hallway but eventually after I walked in circles three times around the classes I finally found Alise standing outside a classroom door, her arms crossed and a frown on her face. I put on a cheeky grin on my face before standing in front of her.

Looking me in the face she shakes her head at me before sighing. "What would you do without me. Come on bitch, you're late."

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