Chapter two - Illusions

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Only one person walked through the door, surprisingly she wasn't what I expected, and I'm sure nobody else was either. Now it was my turn to laugh as I saw around half the girls in my class faces fall. Some actually seemed excited that there was a new girl. Looking down at her I had to take a minute to take in her beauty, it seemed almost surreal at how she looked. Mostly because pimples seem nonexistent to her face, also the fact that I've never felt more jealous of someone's looks before. Her hair which flowed down her back in brown curls matched her milky brown eyes, her face a light brown color that glowed in the dim classroom. She stood out even more with her outfit, a short blue, pink, and white short striped dress and with black tights that match her knee high leather boots. By now I was more thinking of asking if she was cold than what her name was.

Looking back up at her eyes I could see her glaring at me, or more like who's next to me. Looking next to me and at Alise I could see she was smirking at the new girl and they seemed to be having a staring slash glaring contest. Elbowing her stomach I raised an eyebrow at her which she returned with a shrug. Shaking my head I stared at her giving her a 'we'll talk about this later' look. Turning back towards the front I see the door cracking open once again and also realize that the teacher was talking so I put my attention back on him.

"-Is Amphrite, she's one of the new students at the school" some in the back whistle making Mr. Limton throw an eraser at him, hearing a oof sound Mr. Limton looks satisfied as he continues talking "and hopefully you all will treat her well. It seems Mr. Damian isn't here." he sighs under his breath, "Please not another wannabe bad boy, already skipping on the first day here, this-." He stops for a short second, looking at the back of the class. "Ms. Delneato, put the fake breast on my desk and leave it alone. I've called your mother already to tell her you are not allowed to bring those disgusting things to class if you're just going to play with them."

I could hear a chuckle coming from the door and the hand that Alise had gripping my arm started to tighten almost too unbearably hard. As I look towards the door I could almost hear all the girls panties drop at the sight of him, but as I turned my head you could say I felt pretty normal at the sight of him. All in all I could find someone similar just by going on google and searching up hot guys.

A chuckle made it's way past his lips again and I snap out of thought and look around me to see if I had said that aloud but nobody was looking my way. Not to try and sound cliche but as soon as my eyes caught his it seemed as though electricity ran through my body, literally. It made me uncomfortable and it started to become painful. I turned my head towards Alise hoping she'd see my discomfort and let me go but she was too busy staring at the new girl. He turns towards the teacher with a paper in his hand. "Sorry I'm late, the principal was talking to me about a paper I needed to get signed."

My eyes dropped to my desk and before I could register what was happening my mind went completely blank. His mysterious black eyes, sharp jawline that would make any girl want to have her hands on them. I didn't feel any weird attraction to him. Call me crazy but he felt familiar. Something in the back of my mind was telling me to get up and go to him. To hug him and tell him that I was okay, but I didn't understand why I wouldn't be okay, plus the obvious fact that he was a flipping stranger to me. Not going to start the year off by jumping on a guy and becoming the girl who jumped the new hot guy. Weird things be damned there's also the fact that he looks almost exactly like the guy in my dreams but also nothing like him.

I was pushed out of my seat and onto the ground before I even finished looking over him. Looking up at Alise I glare at her from the ground 'sorry' she mouthed and shrugged sticking her tongue out at me. The thing about Alise was, sometimes she could be a bitch when she wanted to be. Usually in this situation I would stand up myself and kick her chair from under her and then we argue until the teacher yells at us to shut up and get our butts back in the seat, but this time was different. There was no laughter in the background, no people snickering at our stupid actions, and there was no teacher telling everyone to sit down so we can start doing some actual classwork. Feeling a hand grab onto my arm and pulling me up I looked around to see everyone silent watching what would happen next.

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