🇩🇪The Witch & The Demon🇫🇮

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!!Picture at the top is not mine!!

Finally Finland again.
Did you miss him
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I am working on another story but it will take a while until it is finished. Hope you have patience.

Well, enjoy reading

《《Smut (soft)/Au》》

A lone figure sat cross legged amongst the grass, listening to the sound of the birds in the trees and savouring the warmth of the sun on his skin.

Germany was an elemental white witch, the last of his kind and the village's main healer and apothecary. He came from a long line of powerful witches and had been taught generations worth of spells and potions which he used alongside his natural powers. At just 26, he had surpassed the abilities of his ancestors, making him a valuable asset to the elders.

Looking up from the herbs he had been picking, the young country could smell rain in the air. Glancing over his shoulder, he could see grey clouds rapidly approaching. Getting up from his seated position on the grass, the witch smiled as he felt the first drops of rain on his face. Removing his thin cotton shirt and shoes, he walked into the middle of the clearing. Stretching out his arms, he turned his face up to the heavens, letting the rainwater cool his skin.

He wasn't very tall, but lithe in build, with yellow skin decorated with intricate tattoos. Loose trousers hung low on narrow hips, tied with a sash to keep them in place. His hair was black and fell across his elfin face, but it was his eyes that caught the most attention, a dazzling shade of gold that could pierce through even the best of liars and reveal their inner most secrets.

Giggling to himself, Germany closed his eyes and started to dance, moving to a song only he could hear. He felt the earth's energy ran through his body, making his skin tingle and a warmth spread through his veins as he swayed.

Unbeknownst to him, a figure stood by a nearby tree, watching the young witch dancing in the rain. Bloodied fingers twitched at his sides, a smirk pulling at his mouth as a deep chuckle rumbled from within his chest.

Well well well, what do we have here? My little witch is back...

Blood red irises swept across the slender form from within black eyes, taking in the decorative necklace that hung around his neck and the bracelets tinkling with each graceful movement. The rain soaked trousers that clung to the black haired country like a second skin, outlining a shapely ass and toned legs. The demon licked his lips, running a hand through his white and blue hair.

The young country's face was tilted up to the sky, feet almost silent on the sodden grass. Yellow full lips parted as he pushed his black hair back from his face, relishing the way the earth replenished his energy.

"Hello sweetheart." Germany jumped at the deep rich voice by his ear, falling backwards onto the grass.

Looking up, the black haired country gasped as he stared into the black and red eyes of a demon...But not any demon Germany had seen before.

The other country appeared slightly older than the young witch, with white hair closely cropped to his head save for the shock of dark blue falling across his forehead. Germany swallowed as he took in the muscled frame and white skin, eyes following the raindrops mapping every dip and plane of the broad chest, defined stomach, and narrow hips partially hidden by the black trousers clinging to muscular legs.

"Was willst du, demon?" The witch asked, accent thick as he glared up at the handsome face, golden eyes blazing. The white country chuckled, a low rumble that made Germany's stomach clench as he watched the blood on the large strong hands mixing with the rainwater and dripping on the grass by his feet.

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