The Truth (edited)

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Knowing Liam was a demon, the rational part of me urged caution, warning against trust. Yet, an instinct, an inexplicable feeling, whispered that trusting him might be the right thing to do. I pondered whether it was time to reveal my truth to him—maybe he could help me find a way back home.

"Aleya, can I ask you something?" Liam inquired, breaking the contemplative silence. I smiled and nodded, inviting his question. "You said earlier that you aren't a hunter. Then how come you instantly knew that I'm a demon, and how do you know the spell?" His curiosity pushed me to disclose more about myself.

"Liam, there's something I didn't tell you about me. When I said I wasn't from around here, it meant I'm from a completely different universe. I fell asleep in my room back in Sradena. When I woke up, I was in the Black Bird Motel. I don't know how I ended up here or how I can go back," I confessed, my gaze shifting to the ground. Liam's reaction was a mix of surprise and shock.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe I could help you find a way back. But you still haven't answered my question," he remarked, showing genuine concern. I met his eyes. "Back at my home, I used to watch a TV show called Supernatural a lot. It was about two brothers, who were hunters and fought various creatures—vampires, demons, ghosts, and wendigos. They hunted and killed almost everything imaginable." Liam was visibly unsure how to respond. We sat in silence for a few moments.

"If you don't mind me asking... What are the names of the two brothers?" I cautiously asked. "Sam and Dean Winchester," I responded. Liam tensed at the mention of the Winchesters. "Winchesters," he whispered. Confused, I probed further, "Liam, are you alright?" He disclosed, "I told you earlier about the two FBI agents. Well, they aren't really agents. They are hunters."

The revelation dawned on me. Could it be? Had I somehow ended up in the Supernatural universe? The idea was both thrilling and daunting. I sought confirmation from Liam. "Sam and Dean Winchester?" He nodded. As I sank back onto the bench, I murmured to myself, "How did I end up here?" Liam overheard and confessed, "Aleya, I really want to help you, but I don't know how. I didn't even know there was another universe."

Feeling a shared sense of confusion, I responded, "Then you don't know more than I do. I always wished for something like that to happen, but I never thought it actually would." Liam joined me on the bench. "You know, I'm actually happy you're here," he admitted. My face displayed confusion, prompting him to clarify, "Don't get me wrong. It's bad that you're kinda stuck here. But I'm glad that I met you. You're the first one who wants to be my friend." I smiled at him. "I'm sorry I reacted like that earlier. I should have listened to you first." Liam lightened the mood, saying, "It's okay. Honestly, a few more words, and you would have sent me back to hell."

However, my smile soon faded into a wistful frown. Liam noticed the shift in my expression and asked, "Are you okay?" I sighed, "Yeah, I just wonder what my parents and my best friend Amelia are doing now."


After the long chapter a short one.


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