Chapter 4

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"Whatever you do. Stay close to me and never let them see you sweat." Armani whispered in my ear before we headed down the stairs.

Here I was walking down the stairs with a complete stranger and going to go meet his crazy family. I was ready to shit my pants at any second.

"Armani, she is a beauty." One guy said once we reached the bottom of the stairs.

He looked a lot like Armani but he was  a little older and had blonde hair this clearly had to be  his brother.

"Thank you Leo." Armani said with clear annoyance in his voice.

Leo rolled his eyes at him and turned to me "Hello. My name is Leonardo Ricci. I am the older and more attractive brother it is a pleasure to meet you." He kissed my hand and I blushed slightly.

Armani cleared his throat and Leo stood up with a grin on his face.

"I'm Amalia." I said "it is a pleasure to meet you as well Leonardo."

"Please, call me Leo." He laughed.

He swung his arm around my shoulder. "Now that we're going to be family, I have to ask where did Armani find you? You kinda just came out of no where."

I was confused. Had Armani not told his brother what he has been up to? And what did he mean about "family".

Leo busted into laughter. "I kid,I kid you should've saw your face. Of course we know where you came from. Sheesh, I should've went with him to that auction."

"Enough Leo." Armani said.

"Relax dude I'm just trying to make her feel comfortable. You did kidnap her after all."

"She's fine." Armani snapped and he grabbed my hand and lead me through the crowd.

The next person to stop us was a slim woman. She had the body of a model. Her long brown hair fell in waves and she had the same set of green eyes as Armani and Leo. This had to be their sister. The resemblance was uncanny.

"Hello brother. I haven't seen you in so long." She smiled at him but it was obviously fake.

"Maybe if you weren't so far up your husband's ass you would."  Armani said while also flashing a fake smile.

She laughed and I was able to see her pearly white teeth. Her eyes landed on me and she smiled even more.

"Leo was right she is beautiful. Hello, My name is Elena. I'm the youngest out of the three and the smartest." She offered me her hand I shook it.

"Smart? The only thing you know how to do is suck-"

"Enough with the bickering!" Some older lady yelled interrupting Armani's sentence.

The older lady made her way over. By her side was a tall man that was the spitting imagine of Armani. However, this man had blue eyes and grey hair and was clearly older.

The lady was a small little thing. With brown hair that had a few grey strands and green eyes that matched Armani's and his sibling. She was very beautiful.

"Armani introduce me." The lady said once she was in front of us.

"Amalia this is my mother and father. Father and mother this is Amalia."

"Amalia? What a nice name. My name is Lorenzo and this is my wife Sienna." The tall man said in a deep Italian accent.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." I said while flashing them a smile.

"Is it really? You don't look too happy to be here sweetie."

"Mom-" Elena began but Sienna held one finger up to silence her.

"Well I don't understand what you mean ma'm" I was confused. Was I supposed to be happy. I had just been kidnapped and dragged to this function she couldn't really expect me to be happy.

"Where did you find this one Armani? She doesn't seem very bright." Sienna said while turning to Armani.

Armani was uncomfortable and began to shift from side to side.

"Stop it Sienna. I will not have any of your none sense tonight." Lorenzo barked.

Sienna flinched away from him. She stared up at him and the way that he stared down at her didn't leave no room for argument.

She looked back at me and for a second I could have sworn that I seen sadness flash through her eyes.

Without another word she walked away. Lorenzo apologized for her behavior and followed after her.

"Make sure he doesn't do anything." Armani said to Elena and she nodded her head before turning and following them.

"What would he do?" I asked Armani.

"Don't worry about it. Come on there is other people for you to meet."

The rest of the night I was passed around like a basketball from person to person. A lot of greetings and introductions being made.

Soon people began to leave one by one and I was exhausted.

Leo and Elena were the only ones left. I didn't even see Lorenzo or Sienna leave.

I sat on the couch while Leo and Elena chatted.

"Did he touch her?" Armani asked Elena.

She looked at him and nodded sadly.

Armani sighed before glancing back at me. I stared at him confused.

"You two get home safe and be back here tomorrow we have things to discuss."

With that Leo and Elena both left.

"As for you love. We have a few things to discuss ourselves."

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