Chapter 10

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Elena's POV
I slammed the door as hard as I could behind me and fell on the bed allowing the tears to over take me. I couldn't stop the tears from coming down and they blurred my vision.

I was more then aware that my father hated ever ounce of me and I'm pretty sure my brothers weren't too far behind. My mother tried her best to make me feel special growing up but with her constantly being smacked around by dad she was often on bed rest which limited the things that she could do.

In fact the only person to have ever shown me any love was Ralf. He was so sweet and caring and nurturing when I first met him. He loved me through any and everything. He even put up with my father's insults that he constantly hurled at him. He loved me for me.

We got married right off the bat and 2 years into our marriage things started to change. He started working late hours and coming home angry and tired which resulted in him drinking and when he drunk too much he always lost his temper and took all his anger out on me.

I remember being younger and promising myself that I would do better than my mother but look at me now. I'm allowing some man to beat me like I'm silly. The crazy part of it all was that I knew how to fight back. My father had put us all in fighting lessons since we were two but I couldn't bring myself to raise an hand at him.

When I found out I was pregnant I was ecstatic but I didn't tell Ralf until after 6 weeks because I had miscarried so many times before and I didn't want to have him all excited for nothing. When I finally did tell him he promised me he would change and go to get help and that he'll never harm me.

And he did. He went to rehab and started to get better and better he would come home and kiss me goodnight and go to bed but there was still moments when he would slip and lose it. As much as I hate to admit it I know he'll just go back to drinking and I would have to leave because I cannot risk putting my baby in that danger.

I've been saving up every penny that I've earned and I planned on buying a nice two room apartment. I would have to ask Armani for security because I know how crazy Ralf is and there is no telling what he'll do once he receives the divorce papers in the mail. There was no way I was going home tonight and I doubt Armani would allow for me to stay so I would most likely end up in a hotel room.

There was a knock on the door and then it slowly opened as Amalia peeped around the corner with nothing but concern in her eyes.

"Are you okay Elena?" She asked as she stepped in and shut the door behind her.

I quickly sat up and wiped my eyes "yea I'm fine." I tried to smile.

She shook her head and sat beside me. "No you're not and that's okay honey. It's okay not to be okay." She said softly.

I couldn't help it I leaned onto her and broke down and she silently wrapped her arms around me.

"You won't be going home. You can sleep in one of the rooms here it's not safe for you to go back home with him." She said.

"Armani would never let me stay here."

"Armani doesn't have a choice." The way she said it made it clear that it was final.

I sat up. "Thank you." I said to her.

"You shouldn't be stressing like this while you're pregnant."

She looked at me and smiled. "Maybe tomorrow we can go shopping for baby stuff."

My heart fluttered. This was the first time someone showed interest in me or my child. Not even Ralf had offered to take me baby shopping.

"I would actually love that but Armani-"

"Forget Armani." She said.

I blinked at her and then I realized she doesn't know just how cold-hearted Armani could be. He is allowing her to see the good in him before he show her his true self and I guarantee she won't like it.

A girl like Amalia should not be with Armani he will only destroy her innocents.

" There are clothes in the closet over there take a nice little bubble bath and I'll bring you up some food and then straight to bed for you because we will be leaving early." She got up and headed for the door.

"Amalia" I murmured.

She turned to look back at me "yes?"

"I'm sorry." I said

She looked confused but she left out.

It was true. I was sorry. I was sorry for what Armani was going to drag her into and what my family will bring upon her. It's obvious that she isn't built for this world and I'm worried she will snap under the pressure.

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