Chapter 24

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The doctor told me that my passing out had to do with that fact that I had already suffered a head injury from when I hit my head in Puerto Rico and hitting again had only made it worse.

So I spent three days in the hospital until I was cleared to go home. The next day was Sienna's funeral and Armani was no where to be found no one hadn't seen him since our argument. I felt bad as Elena cried uncontrollably as they lowered the casket. Leo cried silently but it was still just as painful to watch.

It pissed me off that Armani had missed his own mother's funeral and refused to come home and face the truth. He was being a coward.

I had to take care of everything while he was gone. I had to make sure that Elena was getting to her doctor visits on time and then we even went house hunting. She would be moving out after the baby was here and the house was beautiful and perfect for the both of them. I took it upon myself to sit down with Leo and tell him that he needed therapy he argued with me on it but I eventually convinced him and he started going. I could honestly say I was seeing a difference.

But, it had been 4 weeks and there still was no sign of Armani. In the back of my head I was thinking about how this was the perfect opportunity for me to just run away and never have to see him again but I didn't want that. So, I waited patiently for him to return home. To return to me.

I was in the middle of a shower when I heard the door to my room open and close. I hurried to put on my towel and rushed into the room.

There stood Armani. He looked beyond tired but he seemed fine. His green eyes held a little less emotion but he was still here. He was standing in front of me.

"Where the hell have you been Armani." I said angrily.

"Setting a few things up." He shrugged he shoulders and sat down on the bed.

"For four weeks? You missed your own mother's funeral."

"I don't care."

"Well you should care, you should fucking care!"

"Why are you here?" The question stopped me in my tracks.


"Why are you here Amalia? You had more than enough time for you to get the hell out of here and get away from me and yet you didn't. So, why are you here?"

I was beyond angry now I could feel the heat rising to my neck. "Because I can't just walk away anymore! I can't just fucking walk away. I-I'm stuck." The tears came and I couldn't stop. "I'm stuck because I care about you Armani and if you weren't so god damn stubborn you would see that and you would see how much your family cares for you as well but you only think about yourself!"

"That's not true." he said.

"Yes it-"

"That's not true!" He yelled as he got up and got in my face. "Everything I do is for this family. Everything I do is for you. So, don't you ever say I only care for myself because I can show you just how fucking cold and heartless I can be."

"Well then show me." I said.

His face twisted.

"Show me. Show me right fucking now." I was pushing him back.

"Stop it Amalia!" He grabbed my hands.

"I said show-"

He smashed his lips to mine and silenced me. With just one kiss he had put out all the anger and resentment I was feeling towards him.

He ripped the towel off my body and I didn't care. I tugged him close to me, not being able to get enough of him. His kisses slowly began to travel down to my neck and I started to breathe heavier.

"Armani" I moaned and he growled into my neck before grabbing my breast.

"Moan my name again baby." He said as he sucked at my nipple.

"Armani" I moaned repeatedly.

His hand traveled down to my heat and he slowly began to rub my clit and that had me throwing my head back. My legs began to shake and I was barley able to stay up right.

He looked up at me with his lovely eyes before he slowly thrust one long finger into me causing my legs to buckle. He caught me and let out a low chuckle.

"I think that's enough for one night." He said as he brought the finger that was just inside me and sucked on it.

I stared at him with wide eyes and bit my lips thinking about all the things he could possibly do to me. I was such a pervert.

"Let's go to bed amore." He said as he scooped me up and carried me to the bed.

He laid me down and I slid under the covers. He took off his clothes as well before he climbed in bed with me and brought me to his chest.

Although I was still angry with him that could all wait until the morning. Right now I just wanted to be in his arms.

I heard him murmur something as I drifted off to sleep but I was too tired to ask him to repeat it.

Armani's POV

I listened as Amalia's breathing  slowed down as she started to drift off into sleep.

"I'm sorry, amore." I murmured.

She soon started to snore lightly and I kissed her forehead and examined her face. I wanted to savor this moment for as long as I possibly could because after tomorrow I don't think she will ever look at me the same.

She may just leave me and that scared me to my core.

But it had to be done.....

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