Chapter 6

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The way that Armani was staring at me made me feel uneasy. He had slowly began to walk towards me.

"What do you want with me?" I blurted out.

He stopped walking and looked at me with a smirk.

"Haven't you figured it out already mio amore?" He tilted his head and lifted one of his eyebrows.

"I haven't figured anything out! What's to figure out! You kidnapped me!" I yelled.

His mood quickly changed. He stood up straight and walked over to me so fast that before I knew it I was pinned up against the wall.

"Never raise your voice at me amore. Never."

I looked up into his piercing green eyes and lost my train of thought.

His eyes seemed to relax as he stared back at me.

Although I hate to admit it. I felt connected to this man. This stranger I met no less then 24 hours ago and I already felt a connection. This could not be.

Armani began to lean a little closer to me and I held my breathe.

"posso baciarti?" He asked in his thick Italian accent.

I had no idea what he was saying but I nodded in agreement.

Without hesitation he smashed his lips to mine. The kiss was fierce and steamy and I struggled to fight for control.

He had released my hands from the wall and they quickly found their way into his hair. I tugged slightly and he let out a deep groan that did all sorts of things to my body.

"Ah ah ah. Watch it amore. None of that until we are married."

Once the word married left his mouth I stopped kissing him and quickly backed up.

"What?! Married?!"

He grinned at me. "Isn't it obvious amore? You're going to be the new queen of the Italian Mafia. You will rule by my side. Forever and Always."

Italian Mafia? Is this what all this was? My head started to spin with so many questions. What the hell had I've been dragged into?

"I will not marry you." I said standing up a little straighter.

"Yes you will." He took a step closer to me.

I looked up at him and the look that he gave me told me I shouldn't push it.

I took a step back and my vision started to blur with tears.

I wanted to go home. I wanted to be in my own bed. I want to have the comfort of my own pillow and clothes and most of all I wanted my parents.

The tears began to fall uncontrollably.

"No, don't cry mio amore." Armani walked up to me and pulled me into his arms.

Despite me not wanting to I still leaned into his embrace and allowed myself to break down into tears in his arms. He was so comforting. His arms felt familiar as well, as if my body had known them for a life time.

After a while of me just standing Armani scooped me up and sat on the couch with me while rocking me back and forth.

Eventually I fell asleep in his arms.

Armani's POV

I stared down at Amalia's peaceful face. I didn't like to see her cry and I will do everything in my power to make sure she will never shed a tear again.

Even if she didn't want to marry me I'll still give her the best wedding possible.

I waited so long for this.

From the very first day I laid my eyes on her I knew that she would be mine and now here she is in my arms fast asleep.

Finding her at the auction was just my luck I never planned for that to happen but of course I put up as much money as possible to make sure that she was mine and only mine.

I will admit that I was angered that another man had touched her so roughly which is why I made sure all the men involved in her kidnapping was killed in very creative ways.

But that's besides the point. I have my queen now and I don't plan on letting her go. I also don't plan on treating her the way my father treated my mother.

No, I refuse to be like my father. That man is the very definition of evil.


Hey guysssss! I uploaded another chapter for you guys. Anyways the next chapter will be a flashback of the very first day Armani saw Amalia which would explain why he wanted her so badly and why Amalia feels so connected to him. I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far. I'll try to upload Chapter 7 as soon as I can. Until then I suggest you read my other book "Hawkwood High".Thank you guys I love you all!

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