Chapter 3. An Old Pal

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The Ultra Beast has caused enough trouble by now: almost destroying the stadium, hurting people, just, overall, bringing misfortune..

Ash's had enough. The new Z-Move called Judgement Strike darkened his way. He had lost, or had he?



"Ash, is something wrong?" Delia asked his son with a worried face. He was her determined son, a champion, and it is very rare to see him cry.

Ash was sitting on the ground, on his knees with the purple eye glowing brightly. When he closed his eyes and reopened them he was perfectly fine, but very tired.

Then he tried to stand up once again. He failed and collapsed back on the ground. Delia was getting very worried about her son being like this.

When he finally stood up, he whispered:
"So I've lost the 50/50.. What a mess.. This is going to downhill.."

"You said something? Gladion suddenly asked.
"Anyways, how long have you been keeping this secret from us? Where did you get that Z-Crystal?"

"Ugh.. None of your business" Ash said, almost growling, when his eye glowed purple once again. When the eye stopped glowing, he was holding his head with his left hand:
"Sorry. Let's go Pikachu, I need to get my mind off things.." Ash said calmly, while Pikachu was climbing his arm to be standing on his shoulder.

Everyone was a bit worried for Ash's attitude. He acted, well.. unnatural for Ash. They also remembered his glowing eye. 'Is he hiding something?..' Gladion was thinking, as Ash walked out of the stadium.



I walked along the sea. The sunset was very welcoming. It was warm, the air was fresh, the sea was calm. Everything was perfect.

"Pika pikachu?.." asked Pikachu in worry for his trainer.

"No, Pikachu, we are not leaving them, don't worry. I just want some alone time" I aswered while rubbing his head.

"Pika Pi, Pi?" Pikachu asked me with a worried grimace on his face. Pikachu was worried about me as well.

"I am going to be fine Pikachu. Don't worry" I said calmly, knowing I was lying to my best friend.


I have returned home. Everyone was at the Manalo stadium, including Pikachu, because I told him to go there. They are waiting for the real awarding ceremony that will begin in around 10 or 15 minutes. I was thinking about the event that accured recently. Then I looked at the ceiling and whispered: "What is wrong with me?.."

I got up from my bed. I was heading towards the exit. When I left the house, I ran to the forest as fast as I could.

I was running for about 2 minutes, when spotted a crystal clear lake. I stopped running and sat near the water.

Suddenly I heard something. I turned around and didn't believe who it was.

"Mew!" said the pink psychic type pokemon. It was smiling, while flying to the direction where it saw Ash.

"M-mew?" I asked while looking at the pink mythical pokemon.
"Are you the one that battled with Mewtwo?" I asked once again, remembering him. The pokemon calmly nodded.

"Yes, it is me, Ash" said Mew, while I was being surprised that the Mew I met could use telepathy.
"I am here to cheer you up. What happened? I saw you running to the forest. Where is Pikachu? What's wrong?" asked Mew.

"Well, there is that Z-move... It is making me feel anxious.." I noted.
"It doesn't affect Pikachu, but it affects me.." I said with an uncomfortable expression on my face. I was very nervous.
"I think I might hurt my friends.. I don't know what to do.." I said with closed eyes and a nervous tone.

"So you decided to run away?" asked Mew with curiosity.

"Yes, yes I did.." I answered.

"Do you have any Pokemon with you?" asked the pink Pokemon.

"No, I don't have any with me. I am planning to start a new journey with a new name and try not to contact with my friends.. Who knows what will happen if I will be near them all the time?" I answered, almost breaking down.

"Well, I can be your first new Pokemon, if you wish, of course!" Mew responded. I was shocked: a mythical Pokemon was enjoying the fact that it will probably join my team.

"Of course, Mew! I would like to start my new journey with you!" I said with tears of happiness in my eyes. It was the second best moment in my life.. Catching Mew - one of the strongest Pokemon that you could probably find!
You wish to know the first moment? Meeting Pikachu of course!

(SathoshiGekkouga fixed a thing over here|
ty btw)

"Here, take this and capture me" Mew said, as a poke-ball appeared right in front of me. It was a master-ball. I didn't know those existed, so I asked:
"What is this poke-ball called?"

"It's called a master-ball, Ash" responded Mew.
"It can catch any Pokemon on the first try" said Mew while looking at my shocked face. It giggled.

"Okay, let's go, master-ball!" I shouted and threw the master-ball at Mew.

When the ball hit Mew, it caught it at once. It was now officially a part of my Pokemon team.

"Now, come on out!" I shouted, throwing the master-ball in the air.

In a red light coming from the master-ball, Mew appeared, now obeying it's trainer.

"Where are we going now, Ash?" Mew asked with curiosity in it's eyes.

"We are going to say our last goodbyes, Mew.." I said in a sad tone. Mew suddenly flew up to me, trying to cheer me up.

"Thanks, Mew" I thanked my new Pokemon.
"Let's get going now"

"Yes, Ash!" shouted Mew in excitement, as I asked Mew to teleport us to the locker room in the Manalo stadium.


i hope u guys liked it :v
i will try to post 1 chapter in 2 days, but not giving any promises!

for now, have good PokeFan being hours! :P

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