Chapter 9. Friends' Day

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"Omg, are you done Sawyer? Or you gonna continue asking me weird stuff like: "What is your favorite color". I thought you were gonna ask questions about Shadeon" said Aaron and sweat dropped.

"Yeah, but making a new friend is more important! Even data is not so important as a dear friend. One friend of mine taught me that" said Sawyer having a sad smile.

"Why the long face? You are looking like a Gloom" said Aaron sarcastically.

"No, it's nothing. Anyways.. That strategy you used in the battle! It is great with fast Pokemon like your Shadeon" said Sawyer.

"Thanks, I am looking forwards to meeting you in one of the rounds" said Aaron and smiled.

"Yeah, me too! I want to see that power for myself" said Sawyer and made a big smile.

Aaron smiled too. He was happy to finally meet his friends, who he didn't see for a long time. It is like a bird flying over the world to the warm countries before the winter, and after a long time returning back home, where the bird belongs.

The experience of being with people was a bit of lost in Aaron, but now that he remembered all the times he spent with his friends, be was sure he could make it.

"Also, Aaron, why is there a blindfold on your face? Did something happen to your eyes?" asked the now grown up Bonnie.

Bonnie and Max were taller than the last time Aaron had seen them. They were almost the same height, as he was, when he started his journey.

Everyone was dumbfounded. They didn't understand what Bonnie was talking about, because they never actually got to see his face or hair.

"How'd you notice my blindfold? I am in my hood!" said Aaron with a super nervous tone.

'Somehow, she noticed.. But her act shows that she doesn't know who I really am.. It is good' thought the relieved Aaron.

Everyone was now worried for Aaron, because as their 'new' friend, he needed to tell them about his condition.

"Well when you were saying something to Shadeon and turned the head back to us fast, I could see a part of your face and a blindfold" explained Bonnie.

"Oh, well, there is a move that hit me and.. here you can see me now" said Aaron. It wasn't fully the truth, and it wasn't a lie.

"Oh my god.. Why didn't you tell us? We are friends after all.." mumbled Serena and almost cried, because of her friend being in almost critical condition, as she thought.

(if we can call him that for her. understand what i am talking about? Hmmmmmm? ;3)

"Oh, I am so sorry for your eyes, Aaron!" said Bonnie and held her hands together near her chest.

"No, it's okay. Also, what is your name, little one?" asked Aaron.

'Geez, lying sure is hard.. Especially when you already know the truth' Ash sweat dropped in his mind.

"My name is Bonnie, this guy close to me is my brother, Clemont, and near him you can see Serena" as Bonnie introduced Serena, the tall girl in a red dress blushed. She didn't know why. She hadn't felt like this for anyone except Ash.

"That guy with spiky hair is Brock, and the girl next to him with the orange hair is Misty" they waved as the blonde girl introduced them.

"That girl with brown hair is May, and beside her, you can see her little brother Max" they also waved with a warm smile.

"That ocean hair girl is Dawn, beside her you can see Iris and Cilan" they also waved.

"And these boys are-" she couldn't continue because Aaron suddenly started talking:

"Gary, Barry, Paul, Trip, Alain and Gladion. I saw you all compete in Pokemon leagues, nice to meet you" said Aaron and smiled.

"Woah, didn't know you watched all the leagues we were participating in" said Gary with excitement.

"Yeah, I like that kind of stuff. Also, nice to see a Kalos Pokemon league champion, here, in Alola" said Aaron and held his hand out for a handshake.

"Thanks, you are very polite" said Alain and greeted Aaron with a handshake.

"Let's go and hang out together, so we can know each other more!" said Bonnie with stars in her eyes.

"Yes, I want to know more about this Mysterious Aaron Hase" said Sawyer and winked at the hoodie teen.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Didn't hang out with people for a long time" said Aaron and they all walked out of the stadium to the nearest cafe.

When they found a cafe, they asked for a few tables for 18 people.

When they found the tables, they sat down and chatted with each other, laughed and also drank some water, coffee, tea and etc.


"That was a nice hangout. I liked it. Did you like it too, Shadeon?" asked Aaron his Pokemon.

"Shad, Shadeon!" answered the Pokemon with a smile.

"Also, guys I wanted to tell you that my dad is coming to see the league! He will also take Ash's Pikachu, so we can take care of it for a little bit too!" said Gary excited about his dad and his lost friend's Pikachu coming here.

'Pikachu? Coming? With Prof. Oak? Perfect.. It can blow up my cover if Pikachu finds out!' thought Aaron with a nervous look on his face.

"That's so cool! I haven't seen Pikachu in life in ages!" said May with stars in her eyes.

"Yeah, we are all looking forward to it. We haven't seen him for a while" said Barry and smiled.

"Geez.. It's getting late. I didn't get a lot of sleep yesterday, so now I am like a walking zombie, I will go, no problem with that?" asked Aaron pretending to look tired.

"Yeah, sure we will see you tomorrow! Bye, bye!" shouted Bonnie and waved her hand.

He just raised his right hand in the air and went to the place where no one could see him.

"Okay, Mew, come on out! Teleport us to the caves, please" asked Aaron the psychic Pokemon.

"Sure, Aaron" said Mew and teleported them back home.


Tomorrow is the day for the second round to start. Prepare, Ash..


Sorry, shorter chapter.

Yeet. Gonna leave this a cliffhanger but SUPER DUPER OMG important stuff wont happen. But it will sometime.. So, HEHE. U need to be patient to find out what will happen. *double wink*

For 'ur headz - I already have everything planned. By that I mean: the round matchups, the ones who will win the rounds and the league, AND A SUPER DUPER OMG- Ahem.. An important event.

Welp, that'z it for now.. Have good PokeFan being hours! :P

(Also, some people have been asking what is PokeFan.
So calm down)

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