Chapter 17. Round 3, Go!

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oh my god.

i don't remember when i last updated this, so let's not talk about it ;-;

also i recommend you to reread a pervious chapter if you want to remember what was going on.

i am not talking only about my book, but it is a suggestion for any book on any story writing site.

so yeahhh.. i've put away the Pokemon fandom for a while.
same with wattpad.

but now i am back so, REEEEEE!

more updates :D



"Wake up, Aaron. How much do I need to tell you to get up?!" Mew literally screamed. How is it still fine with Aaron's laziness? I don't know.

"A lot" Aaron started teasing the little Pokemon once again. Every time he did that, it seemed to be very pleasant. He felt pleasant by having someone beside him.

"Shad.. Sha-a *yawn* deon.." added the ghost type from Mew's back. By his look you could tell that he just woke up.

"See? Even SHADEON is up! Cmon, Aaron! It is 11am!" Mew screamed, attempting to get him up. And it seemed to work.

"WHAT?! 11AM?! ISN'T THE BATTLE AT 12?! OH GOD" Aaron shouted. He immediately jolted up and ran to the small crystal lake nearby to wash his hands and face.

and brush his teeth.
he has a toothbrush, DUH.

"Shadeon, help me find some berries! Let's go, we don't have much time left!" said Aaron in an unusually fast manner.

Shadeon then seemed to have waken up from the slumber and ran after it's trainer.

TIME SKIP 11:45:

"I think we are ready. Right, bud?" Aaron asked his fellow Pokemon with a big smile on his face, after checking on his team and getting Mew back inside it's poke-ball.

Shadeon nodded in excitement. It seems that he wanted to battle more and more, until he fainted.

"Well, Gardevoir, come on out!" said Aaron, as he tossed his poke-ball in the air.

"Gar! Gardevoir!" screamed the excited Pokemon. She understood what she had to do, because, DUH, it is obvious.

All of them disappeared with a slight 'poof' sound, leaving the wild Pokemon roaming around the dark cave in peace.

They reappeared in front of the stadium entrance. And Aaron remembered that he forgot to look for the matchups. He facepalmed.

'Well, gotta look on my Pokedex' he thought, as he took out his Pokedex and searched info about Alolan League Round 3 Matchups.

When Aaron finally found it, he saw that he was battling his old, old friend.

'Heh, Alain. Haven't battled him in a while' he thought, then put his Pokedex back in his hood. He stretched his arms and then petted Shadeon with Gardevoir.

"Sorry Guys, but you are not going to battle today" said Aaron and sighed. The Pokemon seemed quite sad about the fact, but happy to see their partners in action.

"Gardevoir, return" Aaron said, as he took out her poke-ball and returned her. He then put the poke-ball back on his belt.

"Shall we go now?" asked Aaron and winked. Shadeon made a cute sound in approval, and they both went in the stadium to prepare for the battle.

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