Chapter 18. Unexpected interruption?..

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(AmourisBack4Life fixed a thing over here. |
ty btw)


here is another update bc i didn't update in ages, and now i am like a writing machine lol

this chapter is HELLA long, so prepare.
i will put word count in the end (ō 3 ō)

also yesterday i finished playing Bendy And The Ink Machine!
if u haven't played it - i recommend this game

it has a good plot and smooth gameplay,
a lot of puzzles where you will prob lose some of ur brain cells
and a few boss battles, which look very cool

this is based on my own opinion

but u already want to read the chapter, right?

okay then, go on)



As Aaron and Alain proceeded back to the locker rooms, Aaron sat on the bench that was in the middle of the room, Shadeon beside him, and started mumbling some things like: 'that was close' , 'he became stronger' , 'he found a megastone?' and stuff like that.

Suddenly the door to the locker room creaked. Aaron jolted up from the sudden noise, and looked at the door.

Then the person behind the door opened it with normal speed, revealing Alain.

Aaron sighed and facepalmed.
"Dam, that scared me" he mumbled. He totally wasn't prepared for that.

Suddenly Aaron felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and looked at Alain in silence.

None of them dared to talk. They just looked at each other in complete silence.

It continued for 15 seconds, but Alain broke the silence and started talking:

"Are you hiding something?" asked Alain. Aaron looked at him like he was a complete idiot and answered:

"Well, DUH, if you see a person with a hood, a mask and a blindfold, wouldn't you think that he is hiding something?"


Small chuckles could be heard from Alain. He seemed to find that funny, because, well, that was pretty obvious.

Alain started laughing, he even started to tear up a little bit.
Aaron, who is allergic to peoples' laugh - started to laugh as well.

They laughed together for about 20 seconds and then finally stopped.

" *chuckle* Okay, but seriously.. Are you hiding something?" Alain asked in a mature and serious tone.

"Yes. It is private" answered Aaron and stared at Alain once again.

Alain was about to ask another question, but suddenly the door, that closed by itself (magic), bursted open, revealing Ash's friends.

'My life savers. I will thank them later' Aaron thought with happiness, knowing that if they wouldn't come right now - he would have..  a bad time.

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