Story Two - Part Six

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Words - 585

--Euronymous' pov--

--A few weeks later--

Smiling to myself I watched Jade flip through a crate of records beside her. As she hummed a random tune perched up on the counter, kicking her legs back and forth quietly. We admittedly haven't known eachother for that long, but it feels like we've known eachother for years. And the weeks I've spent with her have been the best week's of my life. She makes me happier than I ever thought possible, hell since she's been here the customer rate in the shop has even improved. She really is good for me and this shop, although she scared away Varg a little over a week ago, she won't say why but I honestly don't care. Everyone else in the circle likes her to, not to mention the customers, I mean honestly what metalhead guy wouldn't be happy to be around a hot metalhead girl like her? "You wanna go for a ride after we close up shop?" I asked leaning against the counter beside Jade. "Oh what kinda ride?" She teased with a small laugh, causing the kid checking out records to duck his head in embarrassment. "A car ride babe." I chuckled rolling my eyes jokingly. "Sure." She smiled leaning down to peck my lips, but that wasn't enough for me. So I pulled her back down before she could pull away, giving her a proper kiss. "How cute." Dead teased leaning against the front of the counter. "Fuck off." I waved him off walking to the register to help some kid with his merchandise. Both Jade and Dead laughing at my change in mood, secretly making me smile for a moment. Just a few more hours and I can have her all to myself! I kept reminding myself as I do everyday, eager to be alone with her. It's not just the sex, I mean the sex is amazing, but she's just so perfect, to good for me honestly.

--Time skip to a walk in the woods--

"It's so peaceful out here." Jade muttered stopping to take in our surroundings. "Can I ask you something?" "Can I tell you something?" We cut eachother off, laughing nervously. "Go ahead." Jade smiled taking ahold of both my hands, giving me her full attention. "This might be to soon, but I don't think it is... Will you merry me?" I swallowed the nervous lump building in my throat. "Euronymous... I'm pregnant." She bit her lip nervously, her words stunning me. "Wait what?" I frowned in confusion, not knowing if I'd heard her right. "I'm pregnant." She repeated her words sparking excitement within me, unexpectedly. "I'm going to be a dad?" I smiled unable to hide my newfound excitement, taking her in my arms when she nodded her head yes with a smile. "You didn't answer my question though." I quickly realized, fear replacing my excitement, afraid she was going to reject me. "You could have asked me to marry you a day after we met and I would've said yes." She giggled. "Is that a yes then?" I needed to be sure. "Yes I'll marry you Euronymous, I love you." Her eyes were glossed over as I pulled her into a kiss, sneaking the emerald engagement ring I had for her onto her finger. "It's perfect, you're perfect." She beamed looking from the ring to me, everything is perfect as long as I've got her. "I love you too." She really is my dream come true.


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