Story One - Part One

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Words - 465

Song Jade's caught singing is Deadly Nightshade By Blackbriar. ↓↓↓

--Third person pov--

"We already know what this will end, but just for tonight, let's risk it all. When all the world's asleep at nightfall, let's walk away just you and I, get out of sight and hide, like two criminals in an indigo night. You're my deadly, deadly nightshade, oh atropa, belladonna. They say you are death incarnate, and I should stay far away. Nobody can see us in this midnight mist, so let me kiss those poisoned lips. I'm forever yours, your forever mine. But now it's time to say goodbye, and go back to live our empty lives. You're my deadly, deadly nightshade, oh atropa, belladonna. They say you are death incarnate, and I should stay far away." Closing her eyes Jade danced around a little as if she were in a waltz. "Give me a little of your atropine, I'll try to use it like a vaccine. Speed up my heart rate, make my pupils dilate, take my breath away." Unable to resist Dead slipped into Jades arms and danced her around the room as if it were a ballroom. The unexpected appearance made Jade jump with surprise, only for it to be washed away with a heartfelt giggle. "You're my deadly, deadly nightshade, oh atropa, belladonna. They say you are death incarnate, and I should stay far away." Jade finished with another giggle pulling her best friend into a hug, Dead laughing along with her. While Euronymous stood on the sidelines glaring at the sight of his girl, and friend hugging affectionately. Sighing loudly with a roll of his eyes Euronymous began walking out of the room, stomping a little to make sure they knew he was leaving. Hearing this Jade pulled away from the hug and turned to her boyfriend, quickly running up to him before he could get very far. She wrapped her arms around his waist stopping him from leaving the room, then resting her head against the back of Euronymous' neck Jade whined a little. "Don't be grumpy with me." She spoke softly so only Euronymous could hear, but he ignored her words and stalked away with an annoyed huff. Causing Jade to huff dramatically through her nose, turning her attention back to Dead instead. "Did you write that song?" Dead asked used to Euronymous being dramatic, and ignoring what happened all together. "I sung it in a dream a few nights ago, and I haven't been able to get it out of my head." Jade smiled flopping down onto the couch. "Oh and what else happened in this dream, or rather who else was in this dream?" Dead teased flopping down beside her. "I'll never tell." She chuckled knowing Dead already knew the answer.

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