Chapter 3

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Samantha's P.O.V

I walked through the hallway going to Miss Y/n's room to wake her up.
I opened the door and went to open the curtins on the window.
I then noticed Young Miss is moving and stirring inher sleep while mumbling "17..."

I smiled.
'She must be dreaming of him.'
I thought to myself as I walked to her bed and pulled the blanket off her.
"M'lady, it's time to wake up. It's monday today and you have school."
She groaned as she got up lazily.
She looks so cute with her bed hair and I can't help but blush.

She cleared her throat and I notices that I was staring for too long.
"Your bath is prepared M'lady."
I bowed as she walked to the bathroom.

I walked back to the kitchen to see that Haru is done preparing her breakfast and bento.
"You beat me again brother."
I lean on the door frame with my arms crossed as I smirked.
He chuckled.
"This just proves that I'm better and faster than you sis."
He had a bigger smirk on his face.
"Oh shut up! I can beat you anytime."

Y/n's P.O.V

I got out of the bathroom and went inside my walk-in closet to get my school uniform.
After that, I walked downstairs and into the dining room.

As I entered, as always my food is ready.
"Today's breakfast is waffles and pancakes, M'lady."
Haru bowed as I sat down.
I said as I began to eat my food.

Small time skip>> after eating

I stood up and took my school bag as I go outside the manor.
I saw Haru in the limousine waiting for me.
"Let's go Haru."
I said as I went inside.

Time skip>> again

We arrived at my school Ouran Private High School.
I got out of the limousine as I thanked Haru and entered the school straight to my classroom.

I placed my bag on my desk and sat down.
"Good Morning Y/n."
a familiar voice greeted.
I turned around and smiled at my childhood friend.
"Good Morning Tamaki."

"Did you study last night?"
Another voice asked as the three of us sat on our desks.
"Yes Kyoya, I did. How about you Tamaki?"
"I can pass this exam even without reviewing. I bet that tour score will be lower than mine."
He smirked at me.

"Ara ara Tamaki Suoh~ Don't you know that this lady right here is a Valedictorian since elementary and middle school."
I tried doing a british accent as Kyoya chuckles seeing Tamaki's reaction.
"What?! You never even told me about that once! How should I know?! I demand you to--"
"Shut up and calm down Tamaki, the teacher is here."
Kyoya cut him off before he could start babbling nonsense.

Time skip>> after classes/exam

Tamaki, Kyoya and I packed our things and made our way to the Host club. We walked inside and got changed.
Today is Valentines Day and our theme is Ai or Love.

My costume is a cupid, well all of the boys actually.
It was supposed to be but at the last moment, they said that I should dress up as Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.

So now, I'm here talking to a guy named Mizuki Furihata.
Ever since I joined the host club, boys started to come here because I'm the only girl in the club.

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