Chapter 06

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I stood up as I look at my surroundings.
I'm in the middle of the city, but most of the buildings are completely destroyed and the whole place is on fire.
I covered my mouth as I start to tear up at the sight in front of me.
There lay the dead bodies of my loved ones.
Tamaki, Kyoya, Haru, Samantha..
No they can't be dead.

I turn around and ran to him and once we're close enough,
We wrap our arms around each other.
"Kurama, you're okay."
He smiled.
"Let's get out of here and find a place to hide."
I nod as we ran through the city and into the forest as I hide my ki.

Then we see a small shed in the distance and ran to it and locked the door behind us.
This seems to be an abandoned house.
"What's going on here?"
I ask.
My mouth quivered and my voice almost a whisper.
"Tamaki, Kyoya, Haru, Samantha... They're all dead."
"Shh... Don't cry, we will find a way out of this chaos. I promise."
Kurama said, giving me his gentle smile and I smile back.

Suddenly, we hear loud banging on the door, like someone is trying to break in.
My eyes widened.
That voice is so familiar.
We start to panic.
"Quick in the closet."
Kurama whispered and hid inside the closet.

We hear the door open with a loud bang and we hear a voice laugh in an evil way.
"Oh N/n, you can't hide from me.
I know you're in here~"

I cover my mouth to prevent from screaming.
"Come out, come out. Wherever you are~"
'Why is he doing this?'
I thought to myself.
"Stay here."
Kurama whispered.
"Where are you going?"
I pull his arm.
"I'm going to distract him, meanwhile, you get out of here."
"That's too risky. I'm not leaving without you."
I said as tears start to form on my (e/c) eyes.
"If we're together, we'll put ourselves in grave danger."
"Don't leave me."
He wiped my tears with his thumb.
"Don't worry, everything's going to be okay."
He smiled.

Befor I could stop him, he exit the closet amd immediately closed it but I opened it a little.
"Hey you!"
17 turn around and smirked.
"There you are! I've been looking for you and Y/n. Where is she?"
"Why are you doing this?
What do you want?"
Kurama asked calmly.
"I want you dead! You took Y/n away from me! That's why I killed the ones who are the closest to her!"
Then 17' s palm start to glow.
He yelled as he fired a ki blast at Kurama, making a hole on his stomach.

I couldn't bare to watch anymore and burst out of the closet and ran to Kurama as I cry.
I held his dying body close.
He look at me with weak eyes and weakly put his palm on cheek.
"Don't move! Please hang in there, I'll heal you!"
I put my palm above the wound but he stopped me.
"M-my..injury can' healed..anymore.."
"Please don't say that!"
"I tell you...something...
I had..always...loved you..."
His hold on my cheek loosen but I still held his hand as I sob.

Then 17 burst out laughing like a maniac.
[A/n:the Yagami Light/Kira laugh]
"Finally, they're all dead!"
I let go of Kurama's dead body and looked at 17 with hatred in my eyes.
I said as I walk to him and slapped him.
I yell at him and tugged on the hem of his shirt.
"They tried to take you away from me Y/n. So I had no choice but to erase their existence from this world. Now I finally have you all to myself!"
"But killing them is not the solution! 17 you never thought of my feelings before killing the people I care about the most!"
There was a long silence before I yell again.
17 just laughed.
"Oh my love, you'll love me soon."
Then everything went black.

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