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The bus stopped in front of us. If you were clueless, you could mistake the bus for a normal one. The paint that makes it look normal is a holographic shell that disappears once it enters the Tekoku facilities. We are so boss at technology, bro.

Sokkenai Akechi, the redhead girl sitting near the driver gave us a scornful look. It was a persistent reminder that she hated us ever since we topped the Employee of the Year boards two months ago, just because of me and Shizen saving the organization from going corrupt. Hey, all groups are never perfect.

We find a seat near the back. 

The bus starts moving smoothly. I glance at Shizen, who is looking out the window, maybe dreaming about bullying Urusai. Then, since it takes about 3 hours to reach the HQ, I sink myself into my thoughts and memories.

~ ~ ~

This is another dream, I thought as I found myself in the endless stretch of dawn-lit water. Surprisingly, I never get wet in here.

Several feet away I see a figure coming closer to me. Wait. The silhouette seems familiar; also, the manner of walking.

"Denki?" I ask in a half-mumble.

"It's me." The voice! It is him! Stepping closer I saw it was the face of my boyfriend.

"Waga kamiyo," I suddenly cried, overwhelmed. "But you're dead."

"Only for now." He went over and kissed me gently. I could vividly feel his body warmth. "I will come back."

"But... h-how?"

He shrugged. "When I do, I might look slightly different, and all my memory's erased." Then he smiled, placing a hand on my cheek. "But deep down I still remember you, and Shizen. Just be yourself; I will live once more."

I noticed ripples in the water behind him.

"Denki-shinaina...? W-what's that?" I pointed. He seemed to not notice. He spoke on.

The ground was shaking violently.

"Technology outnumbers the human race these days. Artificial intelligence outsmarts us."

Three cords lashed out of the water and grabbed him by the torso and arms.

"But in the end– "

They dragged him in, but just in time for me to hear his last words.

"–the heart rules over all."

He disappeared, leaving a great splash. I felt helpless. Tears streamed from my eyes.

"DENKI-SHINAINA!!!" I screamed in stark grief. 

~ ~ ~

I wake up, taking a frightened and deep breath. The water felt too real that I thought I was in the ocean. 

But I wasn't. Shizen was rubbing my cheek like a bear pillow to wake me up. 

Upon seeing my scared tears she withdrew. "You okay, bro?"

"I- no, I'm fine... just another stupid dream."

Shizen sighed. She knew I was diagnosed with PTSD and depression. Ever since my boyfriend's death, I've been having terrifying flashbacks and dreams every once in a while. But I stopped self-mutilation. 

"Attention, Tekoku members. We are now at the faction HQ. Stay safe!" the bus speaker cheerfully blared at us. It was a wonderful system to completely startle us. 

I and Shizen boarded off then set for the main building. 

The whole base was a mixture of cyberpunk and middle-class office space. The main building was a fat black trapezoid with single-line windows serving as its stripes. Small structures around it are communication towers, and there was a spacious training area next to a dorm facility. 

Now I am too lazy to describe the rest because I gotta work. 

We both are in charge of Counterintelligence and Counterespionage. Our job is to search for possible breaches in security and prevention of other weirdos from rivals to gather faction secrets. We work on computers, of course, monitoring ID scanners, CCTVs, audio recorders, etc. 

I look first at the halls. Nothing suspicious, just a bunch of idiots having a dance-off and employees rushing to meet their schedule expectations. 

Then the training area. I mostly see beginners pathetically imitating Karate Kid moves. 

I grab a list of criminal activity from my cabinet and examine it.

Someone taps on my cubicle. It was Mikkel Svetlyy, the half-Russian, half-Norwegian dweeb.

"Privet," he calls mockingly. "Ven vill you tell me more about this boyfriend of yours?"

"Never," I reply without missing a beat.

"Kha kha, wery funny. No vonder you are so ashamed of being gay."

I stand up and face Mikkel. "You shut up about my personal life!" I was offended greatly because I remember so much trauma from being different.

"I am human, so you don't tell me vat to do." He made a bullying grin with those hideous freckles. 

I punched him instinctively, making him fall. "DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT DENKI!"

I didn't care if it drew attention. I felt my Ten no Ikari form surface, turning me into an angry Astral Deva. I brandished my baton at Mikkel. "The trash gets picked up now. Be ready."

Mikkel, who was a minor Pessais demideity, crouched in fear, trembling. "D-don't kill me!"

My anger withdrew at the sight of this idiocy. "Oh sh--t, haha." I turned back into my normal form. 

Shizen was wide-eyed, staring at me. "Kiri, calm down, w-will you?"

"I'm just sensitive. Sorry." I returned to working in my cubicle.  

another life. (RHG OC Backstory)Where stories live. Discover now