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Amenoko's POV

4 years and still, my brother can't get over Denki's death.

I slowly open my eyes, and with one hand, I open the blinds to let in the sun. 

"Morning, sleepyhead." Nyokora was at the foot of my bed. Good god, she needs a bell. She is a master of stealth, I dare say.

Nyokora Akari is Shizen's childhood friend, or osananajimi as we call it. She was sent by her to be my guardian for a while, because my brother Kirisame is at a suitor's house with Shizen. It's a Navian tradition to spend a week at a suitor's house before deciding to get engaged.

Ha, I remember what my brother said before leaving, "Urusai is a big jerk. I hate tradition, and I hate her."

It's funny, because he's still thinking about that boy Denki. After four goddamn years. No, I'm not saying that I don't like gay people (because I was gay once), it's just that he's still mourning. Move on, brother.

I go downstairs and eat whatever Nyokora prepared. I don't pay attention to taste anymore.

An unfamiliar voice piped in the kitchen. "Good morning, house!"

A demi-Pessais with pale brown hair and yellow eyes stood in the kitchen, surprised to see me.

"Uh, hallo?" he reluctantly greeted.

"Mikkel, this is my friend Amenoko," Nyokora said. "Amenoko, this is my co-worker Mikkel. We're going to work on an investigation on a certain company named Hongjun."

"Hongjun? Weren't you an agent there?"

"I left it. Stuff was going on..." Nyokora shook her head. "Amenoko, Kirisame's boyfriend is alive. I saw him. They were engineering his body to be a Mary Sue weapon. They started four years ago, right after they got his body and switched it with false DNA ashes."

"Nani?!" He's alive?... My mind is trying to wrap around that. Denki Aoichi, who died of an explosion four years ago, is ALIVE?

"Nyokora, are you joking?" Mikkel's lilting voice went up two octaves.

"No. I am not." Her usually cheerful face was now grim.

"Why didn't you tell him? Or anyone?"

"If anyone got wind of it, they are gonna kill me. They implanted a tracker in everyone who worked there. I can turn the recorder off, but I have to turn it back on after a few minutes or they'll get suspicious."

"Nyokora... damn, you're giving all the very important information here... i-is your tracker on?"


"Thank goodness." He sighed. "I'll relay the message."

I got up from the table, and brushed my teeth. Between gargles, I said, "Is your tracker on?"

"In 10 seconds it will be."

"So how are we going to get them?"

"Mikkel is a trained agent provocateur. And an infiltrator. They'll send a team– 5 seconds left– to investigate.

There was a long pause. 5 seconds passed.

"Mikkel, give that back!"

"But these gingersnaps are awesome!"

I heard running and giggles that belonged to Mikkel. I finished gargling, and stepped into the dining room. Mikkel was running, holding Shizen's prized jar of gingersnaps. Nyokora chased him.

"Oi!" I shouted. "What in the Moche are you guys doing?"

"He's... stealing... our... sweets!"

"I am Gordon Ramsay, and your dish for the dessert round is OMG." Mikkel gets another gingersnap. "You are officially the winner of MasterChef Cier–"

Before he could finish his sentence, I grab his shoulders and pin him to a wall. Then I wrest the jar out of his hands. I notice his flushed face.

"Holy crap, are you blushing??" I chuckled.

"N-no... let me go, you giant." He tried wiggling free of my grip. I release my hold on him, and he ran upstairs.

"Huh...? Oh yeah. He likes you," Nyokora said. "His face betrays him. He thinks you're cute."

"Nani o?! You're joking."

"No, I am not. He has that face every time he lays his eyes on a poster of BTS, or sees a hottie on the street."

"Ew. Is he from Navia?"

"His mom is, but he lives in Micfortress."


I go upstairs and into the bathroom. I fill the tub, scrub myself all over with soap and rinse. I grab a towel and drain the tub. I run to my room and change into a green turtleneck shirt and some shorts from my bag. When I went downstairs, Mikkel had changed too. He wore a black sweater and yellow paisley pants. Nyokora was still in her all-red getup. They were both on their laptops.

"Oi, looking good today, Mikkel," I compliment him.

His face flushes again. "Danke, Amenoko."

I do my best to stop laughing biting the inside of my lip. I get my phone from the center table and check it for anything new:

You have 2 new messages from Kirisame.

•Lingua: Time for your daily Micfortressian language classes.

I check my brother's messages:

K: i hate this, bro. i wanna go home.

K: i miss u & Nyokora :(((

I text back:

u can do it!! XD just 3 more days. then u can ditch her

Kirisame has rejected 6 women so far. Talk about a streak.

Mikkel's phone rings. He picks it up and speaks in Micfortressian: "Dvahs? Mm, xechu. Ijik le Nyokora Akari zam fi klpeggama. Xechu, xechu. Shijmok okokr fi hendarlhe. Mmhm. Xechu. Ksigva."

"Where the hell do you learn Micfortressian so well?" I ask. "I used Lingua for 6 months and I'm stuck with basic crap."

"We have books."

"Nani? Really?" 

"Uh huh."

I leaned back and opened my phone, then started another day of learning Micfortressian.

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