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754 AC.

Parapsychologist Dr. McCarthy's report:

"I had this patient last year. His name is Denki Aoichi. He was twelve. Out of all my patients, his case was so far the strangest and most terrifying.

His mother, Jenny Natsuhana Aoichi, told me about his behavior. When he learned how to talk, he sometimes screamed for no reason at all. Mrs. Aoichi would ask him what's going on, and he said something about an imaginary friend named Hsidar. She and her daughter were clearly terrified. Hsidar is one of the Shadow's avatars, if you remember the Coquo Desert Battle.

When Denki turned six and started school, Mrs. Aoichi would always find sharp things in his bag, like glass shards or a box cutter blade. He says he doesn't remember putting anything dangerous in there. Thinking he was lying, she grounded him frequently. By the time he was grade four, he stopped bringing them.

But he was doing something worse, his sister Shizen reported. She begged me to not tell their mom for fear that she may go crueler on him. Somewhere on the curbs, there were always one or two animals found stabbed to death. Obviously Denki did them, but their parents didn't know. Shizen asked her brother why he did these, but he would always say he doesn't remember doing them. One day she asked if it was Hsidar. Denki went dark in the eyes for a minute and said he was Hsidar. 'He looked possessed,' I quote her saying. So Shizen had no choice but to erase all evidence of what he did.

When he was eleven, he hurt a classmate named Connor seriously. Using his electrokinesis, he almost put him in a coma. Anyone could say that he deserved it because he was bullying Denki a lot, but again Denki didn't know what he was doing. He even described it as flashes; one second he was telling Connor to stop, the next moment Connor was on the floor whimpering in pain.

So I had to do something. I induced hypnosis in him by letting him stare at a swinging pendulum until he blacked out. When Denki woke up, his eyes changed from green to jet black. I asked who it was.

His voice changed as he said, 'My name is Hsidar.' I inquired about its purpose.

'To let everyone know that I'm not gone.'

Then he fainted. When he woke up again, he didn't know what took place.

I told Mr. and Mrs. Aoichi plus Denki's sister about it, and suggested that they move to another place to alleviate his disturbing behavior. They thanked me, and I never saw or heard from them again after the spring of 753."

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