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Mia's POV

"For God's sake, I did it!" I yelled, punching the air with my fist. I didn't care if it was midnight or everyone in the Hongjun facility was sleeping. 

I completed Denki's codes! Yes!

Then I took a deep breath, exhaled, and looked at Denki's cyborg body. 

Jesus, poor guy.

When me and Krizia recovered his body, the left of his body was smoldering. It was horrible. Luckily, the burned uniform saved us most of the brutality. However, his brain was miraculously intact. So I used one of my senior high projects: artificial skin for patients needing graft, because I really thought it would save them the operations they need.


With Alaia, Aleph, Eliseo, Gage and the rest of the gang who know stuff about bionics, I incorporated into his body artificial organs that would not just serve the purpose of the lost ones, but also enhance his overall... um, what do you call that? Ah, performance. 

You see, Hongjun is a military supplier. So Krizia had this idea of having Denki as a test subject for an intelligence and military weapon. If he passes the skill and health components tests I made, then we can make copies of him and introduce our new invention to the military.

I look at a map of Cier at the wall of my office, then I sigh. A wave of nostalgia washes over me as I recall my dreams of changing the world with my inventions...

"Shaw, it's late. Go to your dorm." Maxello Harris was standing there, probably watching me the whole time with those freakin' cute hazel eyes. 

"A'ight." I saved the code, shut my laptop, then carried my bag to my dorm, trying to suppress my fangirling inside. I don't think he knows I like him.

"Password, please," the little screen near my door said. I breathed into the sensor, then it permitted me to enter after sampling my DNA. The door shut after me.

(Note: I invented that. Haha! I'm sooooo smart!)

I threw my bag at my foldable table and screamed myself to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE NEXT DAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"THEY'RE MISSING!" Aleph yelled.

"What's missing?" me and Gage ask, running to him.

"The code for the hormones!" He showed me the program.

"HOLY SH*T!" I exclaim. "God... but we all didn't hear an alarm last night."

"Smart son of a gun," Gage huffed.

"I don't know how anyone can get past our security..." Aleph mused, spinning in his chair.

"Unless if it's one of our own... no, no, they're too loyal to us." Gage sighed. I nodded. Much will be too fooled by our company legacy and vision to betray us.

"Aleph, get me a list of those who resigned," I requested. "Maybe it's one of them."

"Jesus, good idea!" He sped down the aisle and turned at the corner.

While he was probably messing with the cabinets, I tried thinking of the workers who got fired recently.

Akiko, Faye, Jonah, Mishell, Hana, Yumina, Dan, Nyokora...

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