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Mia's POV

"Tomorrow, President Rylan of Blackwatch will give a speech in front of the Greyhound Stadium. Officials are expecting him to discuss about his alleged involvement with Aetheran military equipment supplier Hongjun..." the TV anchor stated on the news.

My hands went cold. During the Aether-Blackwatch war, we secretly helped supplying the needed resources to the Blackwatcher troops. I scratched my head in frustration. The president knows about our role in there, and he's been ordering our drones for a possible Second Aether-Blackwatch war. And in order to clear his name, he's going to EXPOSE US. RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE STADIUM.

Then I had an idea. I inputted some more AI code into his database. I learned how to modify decision-making codes in junior high school. You know, the If's and Else's you learned in your Computer class? Well, I used these as my templates, and prioritized absolute surreptitiousness. If it is run, Denki will be able to choose a certain method of elimination. It won't be limited to only direct shooting/stabbing.

When I finished, I reread the paper full of features that was next to my laptop:

* Voice Mimicry

* Biodynamic Disguise

* Stealth Mode

* Soundless Movement

* Absolute Accuracy

* Self-healing Protocol

* Precognitive AI

* Heightened Skill-related Components

I wrote another line, namely Ranged Decision Making.


"Huh?" I turned around. It was Maxello. "Oh hey, Max! What's up?"

"Krizia is requires your presence. She says it's urgent."

"Thanks." I shut down my laptop and slid it into my bag, then slung it around my shoulder.

I head out to Hall F. I speed-read the labels on the doors until I saw KRIZIA MAOU, HONGJUN CEO. I politely rapped on the door.

"Who goes there?" she called.

"It's me, Mia."

"Oh, right. Come in."

I opened the door and stepped inside.

"Have a seat, Mia." She waved me to a chair. I sat down. "You watched the news, didn't you?"


She leaned forward and put her arms on the table. "You know what this means?"

"Yeah. President Rylan will expose us," I replied.

"You know what to do." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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