Chapter One

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~Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back In Town~

The brotherhood.

My boys.

As I watched them give Christian shit about something he'd done, I thought about some of the stuff we'd been through lately. A lot of people didn't understand our club, didn't understand what we stood for. When it was all said and done, we stood for family. For loyalty and trust. Things that were hard to come by these days, and things that when broken, could never be repaired. At the moment, our loyalties and trust were being put to the test.

Grant lifted his chin at me before walking my way. "You and Christian good at the moment?" he asked.

"We're working on it, brother. Its been two months since his wedding, and Jasmine's done her best to push us together."

"I can imagine."

I chuckled. "Yeah, she's running herself ragged holding get togethers all the fuckin' time. I think Christians had enough; I know I have."

"Never thought I'd see the day you and Christian talked like civilised men. Jasmine's a miracle worker."

"Fuck you." I grinned at him. "We all know Christian was a dickhead when it came to his caveman attitude towards Jasmine, so that was all on him."

"Takes two to fuck it up," Grant muttered, his gaze drifting to Bucky who'd just hit the clubhouse. He was a prez from a another charter. He was looking into doing a patch over with us in the up coming weeks, but he's a slimy mother fucker if I've ever met one. And trust me I've met my fair share.

It was Friday afternoon and all the boys were gathering for Friday night drinks. Tension within the club had hit an all-time high over the last few weeks. With Bucky arriving, he was strengthening ties with some of the boys. It looked like he was using those ties to create a divide between them and those of us behind Sam.

"He's a sly bastard," I said.

Grant turned back to me. "Bucky?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Some of the boys told me the shit he's been spinning them. Making them promises of huge pay-outs if The Brotherhood runs drugs again. What I can't fuckin' work out is why the hell is he wanting to get us into drugs when Jackson worked his ass off to get us out of that shit years ago."

Grant was quiet for a minute. "Been trying to figure that out myself."

Christian and Sam joined us, and Christian glared at Bucky

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Christian and Sam joined us, and Christian glared at Bucky. "What the fuck is he promising now?" he snarled.

"Christ knows," Sam said as he downed some of his beer.

I eyed him. "How you holding up, Prez? That's some shit Bucky spouted at you this week."

Sam scowled. "He can spout as much shit as he wants at me, at all of us; if he wants to get into drugs he can piss off back to his own charter."

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