Owen #2

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Me: Good morning.

Mystery Girl: Hold please, haven't had coffee yet.

I laughed and slid my phone back into my pocket. The guys and I stood at the side hallway. Lots of people rushed back and forth around us. It was early before class. The halls were just starting to get busy. The guys and I always met here before since we all have our own separate apartments. I don't think I could live with these guys. They're my best friends but they can be a bit much. I don't necessarily like a crazy life all the time. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Mystery Girl: I've had some coffee, good morning!

I drank my coffee as I read her text. It was nice to talk to someone, someone who actually cared about the real me, not the guy they think they know.
"You're still texting mystery girl? She must be hella special." Danny leaned over my shoulder and read the text. "Cute, she had coffee." I pushed him playfully.
"Don't you have anything better to do?" I joked.
"Not when it comes to you and lover girl." Greg added in. I rolled my eyes.

Me: Good morning, welcome back to life.

Mystery Girl: Why thank you! Being among the living again is quiet nice.

Me: Well the living thank you for your return. You were well missed.

"Dude you look like a psychopath smiling at your phone like that." Danny jokes.
"Shut up." They both smiled smugly at me.
"Aren't you dying to know who this girl is? You're like addicted to each other!"
"Yes, but there are rules." I said simply.
"And why have you ever cared about rules?"
"Especially when it comes to the girl you are clearly into." Greg chipped in.
"She cares about the rules." They gave each other a smug look, clearly they weren't buying my gentleman card. "Alright, shut up. I've tried." Honestly, I didn't mind the rule. I was terrified to met her. What if she hates me. What if we are not as alike as we thought.
"Good morning!" A voice sang across the hall. Sandra Benson, Sandy, was the one who sang. Her best friend Chyanne Stevens slid uncontrollably down a locker. They started talking and laughing, blending into the background. My attention turned back to the guys, for now.

Chyanne or Chy, I'm sure thought she was invisible. Because she was quiet and shy doesn't mean she went unnoticed, not by me at least. Her and her best friend Sandy stood on the outskirts of the hall, huddled together. Their curiosity getting the best of them as they gossiped and looked around the halls. I understand their attention being everywhere, people watching was fun.

Mystery Girl: Do you ever just sit and people watch?

Me: Always. People are very interesting creatures.

Mystery Girl: LOL! Are you watching people right now?

Me: Yes?

Mystery Girl: What are they doing? Make up a story.

Me: Thats kinda of creepy. But I'll play along. I'm watching girl friends laugh and talk together.

Me: They are probably talking about how good looking I am.

Mystery Girl: HA! Egotistical, I'll make a note of that.

I slid my phone into my back pocket and walked to class. The guys talked but I didn't listen. They were used to it. Sometimes I got so caught up in my own thoughts that I escape from the world. Sometimes I get caught up in story lines in my head and I disappear from my world into theirs.

I sat at my empty table flipping my pen over and over in my hand. The lights were on low and the light rain outside was making me drowsy. My phone vibrated in my back pocket. I leaned over to grab it.

Mystery Girl: Can I ask you something?

Me: Yes.

Mystery Girl: As much as I loved it, why did you send me that quote from Charles Dickens yesterday.

My hands felt clammy. I already felt awkward about sending it in the first place, now she was asking about it.

Me: I thought you'd enjoy it. Was I wrong?

Mystery Girl: No, but I do think you're flirting a bit. Am I wrong?

Me: Are you?

Mystery Girl: Am I?

Me: No.

Mystery Girl: You just admit defeat like that? Remind me never to take you into battle.

Me: Ouch!

Mystery Girl: Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for. Then I look at you. I'm ready for war.

Me: Where did you get that from?

Me: Why that quote?

Mystery Girl: It fits the theme of battle and flirtation and surprisingly Wiz Khalifa.

Me: Strange man.

Mystery Girl: Indeed.

Me: So you've figured me out. But still can't place who you are.

Mystery Girl: Oh I have no clue you are, but I know. Sometimes we can look at people without actually seeing them.

I sat there reading her text over and over again. Then I reread the Wiz Khalifa quote again. She texted again.

Mystery Girl: I see you, but I see you as you see you. I don't have first impressions, friends judgments or stories to base you off of. There's something to say about that. You see me the same way.

Me: Are you sure you're not a teacher here? That was a well educated thought.

Me: Please tell me you're a student otherwise I just hit on a teacher and I'm not into that.

Mystery Girl: LOL! No just a wise owl.

Mystery Girl: Do you think we've ever met?

I wanted to tell her maybe. I wasn't to tell her my name. For some reason, I'm a house hold name around here. I know I'm sort of a partier but I don't understand why my name stands out. I don't date, I don't do hookups, I barley get drunk at parties. I just go to parties.

Me: I don't know.

Mystery Girl: Do you think we'd like each other in real life?

Me: Well we like each other now. I don't see why not.

Mystery Girl: Well yeah but it's like social media, you only put out what you want people to know. I mean what if we are so different. Like book worm and jock or princess and nerd? What if one of us has a grudge against the other?

Me: I think you worry too much.

Mystery Girl: You're not wrong. LOL!

Walking to my next class, I stare down at my phone, at her text. She had a point, but I still wanted to meet her. I wanted to hear her tell me all these things in person. I ran into someone. We both locked eyes.
"Sorry." We muttered together. I recognized her from this morning. It was Chy, like the personality trait. She was beautiful, and Chy fit her. Her eyes dropped from mine as we passed.

Me: I want to hear you laugh.

Mystery Girl: Maybe in time.

I could handle maybe. That's not a no. That's a possibility, and everything good starts out as a possibility, doesn't it?

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