Chyanne #13

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The coffee shop was fairly packed. It doesn't surprise me that around 2pm on a Saturday there is wall to wall people. It makes me feel closed in, maybe even more invisible than before. Because of my smaller figure, people tend to bump into me. After I ordered my coffee I scanned the shop. It was a lot of couples or people sitting alone doing their homework. My eye caught on Greg. He was sitting at a small table with Owen, Kimberly, and Angelia. Angelia played with Owen's fingers and seemed to be talking to him carelessly. I hadn't ever noticed Angelia around Owen, but I also tried not to watch Owen. Greg gave me a soft smile, I quickly returned the gesture. Owen looked between the two of us, puzzled.
"Chi?" The girl behind the counter held up my coffee. I grabbed it from her, mumbled a thanks and left.

Sandy: Hey, I got invited to a party tonight, want to go?

My stomach churned. Parties were not my scene. Sandy always wanted to branch out and be apart of these things. I knew she wouldn't go if I didn't and I'd hate to hold her back.

Me: Where?

Sandy: One of the frat houses....does this mean you're in?

Me: Yeah, okay. Im in.

Sandy: !!!!!!

I loved Sandy and she'd always been there for me, I wanted to show I could be just as good of a friend for her. Neither of us were the popular crowd in high school. She had more friends than I did, but that's because she's social. I'm really not.

At home I went over and over my closet. What do you even wear to a party? Sandy was our still. I knew when she'd come home she's help me, but for now I'm on my own. I grabbed a pair of black high waisted shorts and a plain t-shirt. It was a change my jeans and old band shirts.

Sandy came home holding bags from Bealls, huge grin plastered on her face. She stood in the doorway, waiting. I took the bait.
"You look like Cher from Clueless." She rolled her eyes at me and kicked the door closed.
"I am much nicer and not nearly as fashionable. You should be thanking me." I put my hands on my hips in amusement.
"And why is that?" She turned to me.
"Because thats not party attire nor does it scream Chy." I pouted.
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Her eyes widened like I just offered her.
"Anyways, I got you stuff." She grabbed a bag and handed it to me. "Don't look, go try on." I huffed but agreed.

Sandy really did know me. She got me a band shirt but it was more stylish. Their was a triangle cut from the chest area, leaving a nice collar with a deep V to show off what little cleavage I had. The sleeves had been cut off and bleach splatter was decoratively placed all over. It was actually really edgy, in a cute kind of way. The shorts she got me where high waisted and frayed at the bottom. They had black, spiked, beading on the back pockets. I think it was the coolest thing I'd ever warn. I walked out to our living room to show her.
"Yes! Oh my god! I have such a hot best friend! I'm a queen!" She gushed. I laughed.
"I will give you this, this is one awesome outfit." She bowed. I noticed she had changed her clothing too. She had a frayed, dark wash, denim skirt and an astrology shirt on top. It was Sandy but edgy. I seemed to be picking up on her theme for tonight. "I like your new outfit." She spun for me.
"Thank you."

The party was already alive and on fire when we arrived. Sandy linked arms with me and we weaved in and out of the crowed. She seemed like she was on a hunt for someone. We entered the kitchen area. A girl perked up at the sight of us.
"Sandy!" She was pretty, I had seen her around before. I think her name was Penny.
"Hey!" Sandy squealed next to me. They hugged. I felt oddly out of the loop. Sandy looked like she fit in here. Penny handed us drinks. I don't think I'd be drinking much more than this. Sandy and Penny quickly got lost in conversation. I squeezed her arm, give her a smile and get lost in the crowd. I was hoping to find a quite room to hide in.

I wondered around the house for awhile. There were lots of people and they all seemed to be friends. There was trash every where and broken furniture fill every room. I glanced the crowed, why I'm not sure. I didn't really know anyone. I recognized people, but we'd never talked before so why start now. My eyes landed on Owen. He wasn't looking in my direction so I gave myself to luxury of watching him for a moment.

Owen Roxen looked like he belonged at a party. He also looked like he belonged on a football team and in a coffee shop. I'm not sure you could put him in any scenery that he wouldn't belong in. He was like a chameleon to his surroundings. I envied that. Owen turned his head and our eyes locked almost immediately. Normally I'd peel my attention away from him but tonight I didn't. What did I have to lose? I was already so out of my element. He started to smiled. No way is he looking at me. I can't help myself, I smile back. His attention turns back to the group he's in.
"Chyanne." My attention turn to the voice calling me from my right. It was Greg.
"Hey." I smiled at him. Greg doesn't really look like the type who spends a lot of time at parties.
"What are you doing here?" Panic filled his face. "I mean, not that your not welcome or aren't supposed to be here." He covered quickly. I laughed at his embarrassment.
"It's okay, parties aren't my thing. Sandy, my best friend, got invited and I was her plus one." He nodded.
"Well you look nice." I looked down at my new favorite outfit.
"Thank you." I tucked a piece of hair behind my hair. "Sandy would kill me if I left the party without her, is there a room that I can just hang out by myself?" I asked awkwardly. Greg barked a laugh.
"Yeah, come on."

Greg took me up starts to a room tucked in the back. It was dark and full of junk.
"A lot of people don't know about this room. People forget about the one down stairs but that ones a bedroom, this is just an old junk room." There was a balcony that over looked the yard.
"How do you know about this room?" I feared I might regret that question.
"Uh, I used to wonder the house a lot. I found this room as a freshman. I used to come hide here when I didn't want to deal with the party." He laughed nervously. "Are you okay, by the way?" He blurted out.
"Well, I mean the last time we ran into each other-" I cut him off since he was stumbling.
"Yes, thank you." I smiled. "He didn't phase me much, a lot of guys are pigs. Not all, but a lot." He smiled.
"Okay, well enjoy your hiding." I bit my lower lip and smiled. Greg was at the door before I spoke again.
"Hey Greg, if you get tired of the party, you can always come hang out." He nodded with a smile and slipped out the door.

I wandered around the room looking at all the junk that was inside. A lot of it look like old furniture or outdated. I heard someone growl orders down stairs but I couldn't hear who it was. I went out to the balcony and looked over the railing, no one was standing below me. Heaving a sigh, I looked up. The stars sparkled and moon lit up the sky.

Me: Have you seen the moon tonight?

I heard footsteps, I looked again, Owen came into view. I tucked myself back so he couldn't see me if he looked up.

Mystery Man: I have been waiting for you all night.

Mystery Man: Im looking now, it's beautiful.

Mystery Man: It's beautiful like your soul, but not nearly as beautiful as I imagine you to be.

My heart fluttered and I smiled down and my phone. There a folded lawn chair on the wall next to me, I grabbed it and curled up on it. Owen being a level below me had now escaped my mind. Mystery Man had my attention.

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