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sammi && zion!

sammi; i hate to sound like a home wrecker but
i really do need to talk to you z.

zion🤪; sure what's up?

sammi; can we meet up?

zion🤪; wtf💀. i have a whole ass girlfriend.

sammi; i have something important to tell you.

zion🤪; so text it to me?

sammi; ugh.. can i at least call? i feel weird about
this whole thing.

zion🤪; bet

sammi would like FaceTime...
accept / decline

"hey." she sighs, and zion could tell she had been crying.

"why the long face?"

"because z! i'm scared, okay?"
he wasn't used to sammi being serious. thoughout their whole 'relationship' or whatever it would be called, she was never serious, even after they broke up. he hadn't seen her ever since messing up with nelly last month, and the last time they saw each other... well...

"are you okay?"

"i thought i was, and i really fucking tried to dismiss this shit for as long as i could, but it's been a fucking month since i last got my period. do you know what that could potentially mean?"

the phone almost dropped out of his hands at what she said. he stared her into her eyes (through the screen) and all he could think of was this: nelly's gonna fucking murder me.

"have you t-taken a, a you know..."

"a test? no. i'm way too scared to get answers, and i don't want to do this alone. will you come with me when i buy the..." he ran a hand over his face as she stared at him with tears in her eyes. because of a slip up of words, he could potentially be a father, and just when he thought that the drama getting between him and nelly being together was over, it had just begun.

"yeah, whatever you need."

"look, i might talk a lot of shit on insta, but i'm sorry about all of this. you and cannelle are literally perfect for each other, and here i am messing it all up for you-"

"i'm as responsible as you are for this, so chill out. let's first find out if you're actually... you know? keep me posted." she nods while sniffing, then ends the call.

"fuuuckkk," he let out a long ass breath before throwing his phone on the couch. why was he so fucking stupid?

as if the universe wanted to make him feel worse, nelly walks into the room with a big ass smile on her face. "baby? what's wrong?" she pushes his dreads out of his face, and he couldn't bring himself to look at her.

i think sammi's pregnant. "it's nothing, i just," he lies, his breathing come out choppy, "this kobe shit is really getting to me, you know?" she responds, but he can't hear her.

all he can think of is how nelly's going to react to the news, how the boys will react, his parents, his friends, his fans. what the fuck did he do?

"baby? are you okay?" brandon walks into the room as nelly whips her phone out to call someone, anyone.

"what's going on?" she turns to him and shakes her head. "i-i don't know. he's having a panic attack," she wraps her arms around him and he grabs her instinctively, tears falling out of his eyes uncontrollably.

"zion, you're gonna be okay, but i need you to breathe with me, okay?" he shakes his head, and she rocks them back and forth. brandon said he was going outside to start the car if they needed to take him to the hospital. "we're going to the hospital, okay?"

"n-no," she kisses his forehead and squeezes his hands, holding him tighter as he calmed down. "okay, we'll stay here. just, calm down okay? you're alright, i got you."

but will she after she finds out what i've done? he wipes at his tears angrily, still shaking but okay enough to not have to go to the hospital. "i fucked up, i'm sorry. i'm so fucking sorry."

she didn't know what he was apologizing for, but nodded nonetheless. "it's okay. it's gonna be okay."

MAE 🥱 !
gave ya the chapter you
deserve :)
i've been slacking :(
BUT STILL this shit almost at 20k? HOW?
also i have 2 papers left so thank gah🥺 i'm bout
tired of these exams😭😔

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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