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Peter lifted his head from the book he was reading at the shout of his name. Peter rolled his eyes with a fond smile. No matter how many times Aunt May stayed at the tower, she still couldn't get the hang of using FRIDAY for messages.

Peter set his book down on his bed and quickly made his way to the kitchen where his family was all bustling about in the room. Tony and Pepper were both setting the table while the Avengers bickered and laughed amongst themselves. May was serving platters of food. Peter smiled at the smell.

Looks like Pepper's cooking lessons have paid off.

"Hey Pete." Tony said, waving Peter over to the table. Peter smiled and walked over to him, giving him a quick hug before taking the plate from his hand and setting it down. "What had you so busy upstairs?"

"The book for English," Peter said. "It's really interesting! Did you know that the Great Gatsby has been banned from schools like seven times since it was written?"

"I did not," Tony said with a grin. "Why'd they do it?"

Peter hummed. "Probably all the alcohol, drugs and sex." Peter shrugged. "We have to read the censored version of it and it's still pretty out there. I wonder what the original is like...?"

Steve looked up at that. "I think I have a copy of it somewhere..." Steve said. "I remember my Ma reading it. I'd have to look through all my old stuff."

"See! Grandpa's got you covered!" Tony said with a laugh. Steve scowled. Pepper lightly smacked Tony's arm and Tony just laughed even harder. Peter grinned fondly at his family before taking a seat next to Natasha.

"Hey Auntie Nat," he said with a grin. "Any big plans for the day?"

"Not really," she said with a smile. "Your Dad has a meeting with Fury that the rest of us aren't invited to." Peter let out a soft chuckle when Tony let out an over dramatic groan.

"I don't see why I need to go," he said, collapsing into the chair next to Peter with a loud huff. "That pirate has been so far up my ass lately! I swear, someone needs to tell him that it's my booty, not his."

Pepper smacked his arm again. "Language!" she said. "Your son is sitting right next to you!"

"It's okay," Peter said, smirking at Tony mischievously. "I've heard him say worse."

Tony looked at him in shock. "The betrayal!" he shouted. "My own son! How could you?"

"Alright you guys," May said bringing the food to the table. "Let's eat! If we talk about this anymore, Pepper may blow a fuse."

Pepper laughed and Tony took the opportunity to kiss his wife. While Pepper was distracted he carefully stole a pancake off her plate. Peter covered his giggle with his hand as Pepper looked at her plate in confusion. It only took a second for her to realize what happened and when she did she scowled at Tony and refused to give him another kiss.

The rest of the morning continued in domestic bliss as Peter's family joked and laughed around the breakfast table.

Peter smiled.

Finally, it seemed like his life was looking up.


Tony cornered Nat after breakfast was over. Peter was chatting with May about something in the living room while Pepper knitted beside them and the Avengers were locked in an intense game of Mario Kart, leaving the perfect opening for Tony to talk to her.

"What's the meeting about?" he asked her, nodding at her gratefully as she piled the dishes into the sink.

"I don't know," Natasha said, cleaning up the rest of the breakfast mess. She frowned. "But something is going on. Fury has been stressed out and he keeps sending out strange missions."

"Like what?" Tony asked.

Natasha grinned. "Classified."

Tony narrowed his eyes at her. He hated when they responded with that. Tony could never tell if that answer meant it was nothing or if it was something. Tony just huffed and rolled up his sleeves, filling the sink with water and grabbed the sponge.

"If he just wants me to consult on another weapons division," he said mock threateningly. "I'm going to explode."

Natasha laughed.

"I'll tell Pepper to write your eulogy."


The water was dripping loudly against the floor as the cold draft breezed into the stone room. He entered the room with a strong and commanding presence, and instantly the hushes chatter was silenced.

He stood there, his eyes sweeping the small crowd before he found what he was looking for. He grinned and stepped forward, everyone else scuttling away from him, bowing their heads in respect. (And fear.)

"Yes..." he said, his eyes lighting up with cruel satisfaction. "This is perfect."


"I think it's finally time to show the world just how superior you are." he said, the folder in his hands made a crackling noise as he clenched his fists. The bright red stood out against the pale yellow paper and everyone could plainly see words, Experiment 2176---Dr. Zemo written in hasty penmanship. "Yes this is just perfect. Are you ready?"

"Yes sir."

He smiled.

"Good. Prepare for transport..." he then turned to leave, sending one last look at the person in the shadows. "Make me proud... Experiment 2177. The new and improved." 

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