Chapter Six

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Peter sat glumly at the table, mindlessly pushing his eggs back and forth on his plate while he rested his head on his hand. After the shit storm that was last night, it had been collectively agreed that Peter would start therapy. Tony had scheduled him an appointment with a therapist who'd been sworn to secrecy.

His appointment with Dr. Stacy was scheduled for this afternoon and Peter's anxiety was slowly suffocating him. Maybe he could fake sick? He could tell Tony he was feeling ill and maybe he'd take pity on him and let him stay home.

Tony walked into the kitchen, ruffling Peter's hair as he passed him and poured himself another cup of coffee. Tony peered at Peter over the rim of his mug with a raised eyebrow. "Hasn't anyone ever told you not to play with your food?" he asked.

Peter shrugged silently, lifting his fork and placing it in his mouth, refusing to acknowledge the egg that had dropped off of his fork and onto the floor. Tony snorted.

"It usually helps if the food is on the fork not the floor." he said, sliding into a chair. "What's going on, Pete? A penny for your thoughts?"

Peter shrugged again, not looking up from his plate. "I'm nervous." he said.

"About your session?" Tony asked. "Peter, you don't need to be afraid. I've heard Dr. Stacy is incredibly nice."

"Am I... is anyone going to be in there with me?" Peter asked. Tony frowned.

"I wasn't sure if you wanted that," he admitted. "Pete, sometimes the things you talk about in therapy are really personal. I didn't want to intrude."

"Oh. Okay." Peter said, looking back down at his plate. If it was normal for people to go to therapy alone, then that's what Peter would do. He already felt like there was something wrong with him for even needing therapy (he doesn't need it. Tony is forcing him to go) so if he needed to suck it up and go to a therapist by himself to be cured, then that's what he'd do. He didn't want Tony to come anyway. (He did. He really did. He didn't want to do this by himself, Tony please---)

"Do you want someone to go with you?" Tony asked.

"No, I'm good."


"Okay," Tony said. "Well in that case, you better get your butt upstairs and get ready."

Peter looked at Tony in confusion, a piece of egg falling out of his mouth when he said, "Huh?" Tony laughed.

"I have a meeting and Pepper's across town at a board meeting which means no one is home to watch the Spider-Baby. You're going to May's. She's going to take you to your appointment." Tony said. Peter scowled.

"I'm fifteen. I don't need a babysitter." he said, crossing his arms. Tony raised an eyebrow and dramatically drew his eyes to stare at Peter's bandaged thigh. Peter scoffed. "That was one time."

"Right," Tony rolled his eyes. "One time too many. Besides, don't you want to see your aunt? You were supposed to spend the week with her but because of your little accident you were stuck with us for an extra day."

Peter frowned and looked at his hands, his face heating slightly. "I like spending time with you too." he mumbled.

Tony smiled wide. "Awww, I love you too Petey!" he cried, throwing himself on top of Peter and hugged him tight, obnoxiously rubbing his face up and down Peter's cheek. "Aww my little cuddle-bug---"

"Ack! Gross! Get off me!" Peter cried, a smile creeping onto his face despite himself. He shoved his way out of Tony's arms and forced a scowl on his face. "You're so annoying." Peter said before he let out a huff and left the kitchen.

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