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Peter groaned as he was awoken harshly from his sleep. He batted away the hand that was shaking him, determined to sleep just a little longer, but the hands were insistent. Peter had had a great day. Aside from, you know, being kidnapped and all. But coming home, healthy and alive, that... that was perfect.

He had eaten dinner with his family, had watched a movie with his family, had gotten a hug and a kiss goodnight, and was fully prepared to get a full night's sleep for the first time in who-knows-how-long.

Instead he was being awoken at the God-awful hour of one AM. Peter huffed as he sat up, throwing the strongest glare he could muster in the direction of the perpetrator. Peter scowled in confusion as he looked at the man responsible for waking him up from his much desired sleep.

"Wolf?" he asked grouchily. "What are you doing?"

Wolf just tilted his head. "Do you want to look at the stars?"

Peter looked at him in confusion, but he knew that Wolf wouldn't wake him up for just anything. Peter nodded, albeit hesitantly, and quickly found his shoes. He followed Wolf to the roof in silence, the only noise coming from the squeaking of his sneakers against the floor.

The door to the roof groaned against the hinges, and Peter reminded himself to talk to his dad about that as he followed Wolf to the edge of the roof. He sat comfortably on the ground, tilting his head up to look at the stars.

The stars---they weren't all that visible. They were in the center of New York City, after all, and light pollution was no joke. But that didn't make the view any less incredible. Peter felt his breath being stolen away from the sight of the towering skyscrapers and busy streets down below a canopy of blue sky and tiny specks of light in the distance.

They sat in silence for a long time, and Peter didn't rush anything. He sat there, content to look at the sights before him as he waited for Wolf to find the words he needed to say.

"It's over." was what he finally said.

Peter hummed softly, tilting his head away from the bustling street down below so that he could look at Wolf's head.

"I don't think it will ever really be over," he said mournfully. "What they did to us... it's never going to go away."

A part of Peter wished it would. There was nothing he wanted more than for it to go away. For the horrors and the trauma to disappear. Peter wanted to sleep through the night without the nightmares waking him. Wanted to walk down the street without fear of having a flashback from random loud noises.

But he knew it would never happen.

"I killed people."

Peter's fist clenched at the pained tone of his friend's voice. He looked at him then, really looked, and it made Peter want to cry at what he saw. Wolf had been getting better---as better as you could be---after everything. He'd been seeing a therapist regularly, and B.A.R.F had seriously helped him out. Whatever happened to him in Wakanda, helped him a lot. But even with all that, the pain wouldn't just disappear.

"You did." Peter responded. He knew better than to give him the placating answers of 'You weren't to blame' and 'They made you do it'. Those answers didn't help.

"I didn't want to."

"You didn't."

It was silent once more, neither party knowing what to say. Neither party knew if words needed to be said. Instead, Peter looked down at the streets once again, and Wolf looked up to see the barely visible stars.

"They wanted me to be like you." Peter said finally, breaking the comfortable silence as he looked at Wolf. This time, Wolf looked down to meet Peter's eyes. "If you hadn't gotten me out, I would have become you."

Wolf's face was strained, and Peter could tell he was fighting off his emotions. "I never wanted you to be like me." he said softly. "I wanted you to have a normal, happy life."

"I did." Peter said, leaning back on his arms. "I wish you could have come with me."

Wolf looked down at his hands, both the metal and the flesh, and clenched them. "So did I." he admitted softly. "I wished... But they would have found us. And I would never have forgiven myself."

"It's going to get better." Peter said then, laying back onto his back so that he could gaze directly up into the dark sky.

"Is it?" Wolf asked, not scoffing but not entirely convinced either.

"I hope so." Peter hummed.

The silence continued on, and Peter looked up at the indigo sky, squinting past the haze of pollution so that he might see the stars a little better. The only noise came from the light breeze and the busy noises of the streets below.

"I'm glad you found your way home, Spider." Wolf said finally.

Peter sat up on one elbow and smiled at him. "I'm glad you found your way home, too."

And they sat together in silence once more. This time, no one spoke until the creeping rays of the sun began to shine through the polluted sky. Wolf stood up, holding his hand out to a drowsy Peter. Peter stood, wincing at his sore muscles, and followed Wolf back inside.

Peter turned around to glance one last time at the beautiful sky, breathed in the deep and distinct New York scent, and a small smile grew on his face as the honking of horns and chattering of people began once more.

Yes. It wasn't perfect, not in a long shot, but it was getting there. And that was enough.

Peter turned and the door closed behind him with an audible click.

The End

Thanks so much for reading my book!!!!!! I really appreciate everyone who stayed to read it! (You're all rock stars and I love you!!! <3) This is the final book in the series, and I hope you enjoyed it! If you're interested, check out my profile for other books to read!! 

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