Epilogue: Four Years Later

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Bag check out took longer than Apollo would have liked. He was already exhausted from the jet lag and just wanted to get to his own bed to sleep for the next few days. Or Years.

Apollo walked through the airport, trying to keep from bumping into the others rushing about. Despite how long it had been, he still didn't like it when strangers touched him. It just brought up too many bad feelings.

"Polly!!" Apollo looked up from the ground in time to see a certain blond pick him up and twirl him around. The brunet shrieked in surprise but couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face.

"Klav!" He laughed, finding it hard to feign anger. Especially when Klavier was nuzzling his cheek like there was no tomorrow. The others watched on with amusement at the reunion.

"Schatzi! I missed you too much!" Klavier practically purred. Apollo gave in and returned the affection.

"I missed you too Klav."

It had been over four years now since Vera's trial. And since Kristoph Gavin had been put away. Mr. Gavin's trial had been quick and swift, leading prosecution was Mr. Edgeworth, the demon prosecutor himself. Almost everyone had been there, except Trucy at Mr. Wright's behalf. Apollo had been one of the first to take the stand during that trial.

It was scary at first, having to face his old boss and abuser in the... state he was in. But having Klavier and the others in the gallery gave him the strength to look Mr. Gavin in the eyes as he confessed what had happened. Apollo wasn't the scared apprentice that could be used as a punching bag. He was Apollo Justice, Ace Attorney under legendary attorney Phoenix Wright.

The office had also changed itself. It went from the Wright Talent Agency to the Wright Anything Agency. This was prompted by Mr. Wright regaining his attorney's badge and another greenhorn joining the office- Athena Cykes.

Athena joining had brought its own set of troubles and shenanigans, including Clay almost dying and his own... slight mental break. But all of that had been put behind them and they were moving on. He understood why Athena had been "lying" and her own trauma behind it. Though it still hurt, he knew that she wouldn't try to harm Clay or meant any of them harm.

For the last two years, Apollo had been living in Khura'in, his home country. He had been helping rebuild the legal system with the help of his adoptive brother and his family. The long distance between the two had been tough but with frequent visits from the rockstar, they had gotten through it. There were a few times they talked about moving in together, whether it was in Khura'in or Japanifornia, but they hadn't confirmed anything.

They had watched Trucy's show that night along with the rest of the misshapen family. Athena had brought Blackquill who, despite his reputation and appearance, was very soft-spoken and kind. Even Taka had warmed up to the entire agency, even going as far to preen Trucy's hair at times. During the middle of the show, Klavier silently pulled Apollo away and took him to People's Park. Apollo pressed his boyfriend on what was going on but the blond kept a tight lip, only responding with a grin and a kiss.

Apollo decided to keep quiet, just enjoying the warmth coming off the taller man just from his presence alone. People's Park was quiet, devoid of any other life but the two of them. Apollo liked it, it was nice having some time to just the two of them. He had missed it, missed Klavier.

"Apollo? Liebe?"

"Hm?" Apollo hummed from his resting spot on Kalvier's shoulder. They were in a secluded spot in the park, overlooking the river as the stars and moon hovered above them. A whine left the smaller man's throat as he was gently brought back to his feet.

"Es tut mir leid," Klavier apologized. "I just need you to stand up for a moment and then we can get back to fräulein Trucy's show. Promise."

Apollo pouted but complied. Somehow, almost like magic, Klavier pulled out a guitar from seemingly nowhere. He was confused by the action, but stayed quiet as the musician started to strum the instrument. It was a beautiful sound and it wasn't a song he had heard before. Klavier started singing causing Apollo to lose himself in the sound.

All too soon though, the sounds faded and Apollo reluctantly opened his eyes. He wanted to compliment the song, ask how long Klavier had been working on it, only to have the words die in his throat when he saw his boyfriend, the love of his life, standing on one knee with a box in his hands. The box was opened revealing a simple golden band with ruby roses intertwined into it in the shape of a mini sun.


"Apollo Justice, meine liebe, I've been in love with you for longer than you know. I fell in love with your strength, your determination, and your honesty. Though, if I'm being honest you're very easy on the eyes as well. But, getting straight to the point, I've had a lot of time to think lately with you being gone. I missed you a lot, my heart longed for you every day that you were in Khura'in. So I made a decision, and I just hope that you agree with it. I want to be by your side forever. Will you marry me?" Apollo started crying as he wrapped his arms tight around the taller man.

"Of course! Yes!" He kissed his boyfriend, his fiance, under the stars and moon, in People's Park. The place of the crime scene that had brought them together and where they had decided to spend the rest of their lives together.

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