Chapter 13: Psychlocks

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Apollo didn't know what to think anymore. He couldn't believe what was happening. There was no way this was actually happening, right?

He had been trying to sleep after the trial. It wasn't going to happen with Vera and Mr. Gavin on his mind, though. The brunet had a feeling of what needed to be done. The idea of facing the blond again in court made him feel sick to his stomach.

Just as Apollo finally got the image of Mr. Gavin out of his head, there was a sudden sound of shouting from Mr. Edgeworth's room. He shot up at the sound of absolute terror and panic in his voice. There was something wrong, very wrong going on. Trucy bolted down the hall as he left his room, nearly barreling into Apollo along the way.

"Papa?? What's wrong??" Mr. Edgeworth came out of the room, phone in hand. Apollo did a double take at the state he was in.

His normally neat hair was tossed and dishevelled. His shirt was starting to come unbuttoned but was still somewhat neat. The Prosecutor looked like he was going to cry or scream but neither Trucy or Apollo didn't know why. He picked up Trucy as he ran past, causing a squeal to come out of her mouth, shouting at Apollo that they'd be back with news.

Apollo was left behind in the house, unsure of what was going on, but scared of whatever had the Demon Prosecutor looking like he was teetering on the edge of a panic attack. He had a gut feeling that it had to do with Mr. Gavin and he couldn't get it to go away.

Mr. Edgeworth had come back the next morning with deep bags under his eyes. Apollo was in the middle of getting ready for court when the prosecutor came in. He wanted to ask what happened, where Trucy and Mr. Wright were, but he stopped as he saw just how exhausted Mr. Edgeworth was. It wasn't until they got to the courthouse that silver haired man finally spoke up.

Mr. Wright had been poisoned and had collapsed in the middle of the street. He had been unconscious most of the night, delirious the few times he was awake. A stomach pump had helped by they still weren't sure what it was that poisoned him.

All after a dinner with Mr. Gavin.

So he was sitting in the defendant's lobby. No defendant or assistant or even a detective. Just a greenhorn defense attorney who had no idea what he was going to do or how to help.

A knock on the door alerted Apollo to someone outside the door. He was scared when a blond head popped into the room only to relax as he realized it was Klavier.

"Hey," Apollo greeted. The taller man flashed a grin and sat next to him.

"Guten tag, Schatzi," Klavier responded wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Apollo leaned into the touch, happy for the distraction. After a few moments of silently enjoying the other's company, the blond man spoke up. "Are you sure about this?" Apollo nodded.

"We have to," Apollo told him. "He's too dangerous to be free."

"Ja, fräulein Wright called me this morning," Klavier admitted.

"How is Mr. Wright?"

"She said he should be in the clear soon," Klavier informed him, "It luckily does not appear to be the first time he's eaten poison. Er, or unluckily?"

Apollo's mouth fell open in shock. "You're kidding."

"Not one bit," the blond chuckled. "Apparently it happened when he was about our age."

"How is he not dead yet??"

"No one knows Liebling." The bailiff came in to tell them the trial was about to begin. Both men stood up, gathering up their notes from the investigation and court. Klavier kissed Apollo's head on the way out. "I'll be right there, Herr Justice," he reassured, "If you start to be overwhelmed, just tap your bracelet three times and I'll call for a recess."

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