The begginning of the end

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I was inhaling and exhaling. My phone was there next to the wall broken because I throwed my phone too hard. I felt scared...I laid down on my bed trying to ignore the calls. After a few minutes he stopped calling me and I fall asleep fast forgeting what happened..
*next morning*
  I woke up and streched my arms. I looked at the time and realised I was late. I stood up and wore my outfit to go to my job.
After I left work I went to the park with Jennie and Taehyung.
*at the park*
Me and Jennie were waiting for Taehyung.
Jennie:He is here!
Jennie said and Taehyung went to us and seat on the bench.
Jennie:Hi Tae...did Y/N already told you about what pic she got send? She said it was from Jungkook and of course we already know who really send it. Taehyung just shake his head with a little smirk on his face as he took something from his bag.
Taehyung:I promise...that impostor of Jungkook will never disturb you again.-he said while he showed you a new sim card.
Jennie:Yey! You are cool bro!..Look Y/N! A new sim, your problem is solved!
Jennie said while she gave my phone to Taehyung.
Y/N:He will not stop.
They all looked at me confused.
Taehyung:Why do you say t-
Y/N:I know he will not stop.
Taehyung just sighed and he took a small knife from his bag. He took my old sim card and cutted it with his small knife and he throwed it away.
Taehyung:Say goodbye to the impostor of Jungkook.-he said as he smiled at me.
  I smiled back at him.
Jennie:You two Look good togheter! I ship you two!
Taehyung just looked down because of the awkwardness and I could see that he was blushing.
*Mrs Kim pov*
I was cleaning my costumer's mess to their tables. After cleaning the tables I fixed my things.
I went on my shortcut way to go to my house faster.
I took my phone to look At the time and it was 3:27 am. I putted my phone back and started to walk again. All I could hear was my footsteps because I was the only person who was walking here..It was kinda scary but i am used to it. I sighed and took my phone from my bag and open it. I looked at the caller ID and I saw..
Mrs Kim:Huh? ..Jeon Jungkook..?
I picked up the phone and putted it to my ear.
Jungkook(on the phone):Good night.
I was shocked by his words and suddenly...i felt a cold breath behind me. Before I even turned around I felt worse pain then I black out.
Jungkook:You really called me a reckless driver and a worse boyfriend..?(smirk) But it is are gone now..And even if I am dead you can not take her because she is mine...all mine.
*your pov*
  I was sitting on the cold sand while listening to music. I was looking at the waves and birds chasing each other..and the sunshine..
  Me and Jungkook used to come here when we were on a date.
"I want to turn back time" I said in my mind.
The most beautiful moment was when he asked me to be his this place. I smiled while thinking it. One tear fell from my eye while thinking about all the memories I had with him.
Y/N: I miss you Jungkook...-I said whispering to myself.
My phone buzzed,I sighed...I took my phone from my bag and face it infront of me. I suddenly saw a notification "Jeon Jungkook send a message.."
My heart was beating fast because of nervouness."h-how?...didn't I already changed my sim card?!.." I was thinking while I slowly looked at what Jungkook send me.
"Jungkook:I miss you too babe!"
I frozed at my spot while reading his message again and again. He sended me a picture..I was shocked in that photo was me sitting here like someone took a picture of me. I looked around..I was the only person on the beach. I looked back at my phone. The photo was pretty blured but I saw something behind my back. I zoomed it and there was Jungkook's feet..I can not take body was shaking because of fear.
I quikly ran away from that place.
*at the restaurant*
Taehyung:Are you really sure for what you see?-he asked with his worried tone while looking at me.
I nodded my head slowly.
Y/N: I am not really sure for what I see but this is the first time feeling scared..
Taehyung slowly holded my hand.
Taehyung:Y/N...I am asking you again do you want to stay at my or Jennie's place?-he asked while looking at me.
I nodded my head slowly. Taehyung smiled and looked at Jennie.
Taehyung:Soo...your place or mine?..
Jennie:Your place..many cockroachs were in my house and Y/N hates them.
*at Taehyung's place*
Taehuong opened the door and we went in.
Taehyung:Y/N wait I will be right back! Go sit down to make yourself comfortable.
After a few seconds my head started to hurt so I opened my eyes...wait what am I hearing?..I stood up and slowly followed the voice. I went in the kitchen and quikly grabbed a pan.
I suddenly felt an arm wrapping around my waist and his/her face was on my neck.
???:argh...I miss your really did not change,did you?
I frozed At my spot...that voice..
???:Y/N..your promise..
I quikly hitted him by my pan and...
???:Ouch! What the-
KIM TAEHYUNG ?? wait...
Taehyung:ow ow! That hurts! You hitted me pretty hard!
I was still shocked by what happend...what was really happening to me?...

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