⑦ Hoseok

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The school was the same to Jeongguk. The teachers were nice enough and some students made faces when he mentioned that his stutter was something he was born with. He wasn't amused at all when some even stopped him in the hallways just to make fun of his disability. Nothing bad happened yet so it was fine, he's used to this. What he's worried about is sweating. It feels very unpleasant and his sensitive nose will be bothered.


Jeongguk received a message from Hoseok during lunch break letting him know when and where will the older be able to pick him up from school in the afternoon. Hoseok uses those cute text animoji which Jeongguk found absolutely adorable. The lunch Jin prepared included Japchae, some spicy chicken and Gimbap. Just looking at it made the high schooler's stomach rumble loudly and mouth water.

As he was eating two students came up to him and asked if they could take a seat on the available spots in front of Jeongguk to which he just shrugged to. Jeongguk has seen them in some of his classes so he's pretty sure the two were in the same grade as him- meaning: seniors. One of them was taller than the other and had the typical dark black hair and the other one had dark brown hair- he didn't look Korean but Jeongguk didn't care.

They introduced themselves as Kim Yugyeom- the taller one, and Kunpimook Bhuwakul- the brown haired guy. Kunpimook Bhuwakul was from Thailand, he said that it's fine if Jeongguk have a hard time pronouncing his name, he can call him 'BamBam' or 'Double B' if he prefers to. Though it seemed as if Bam Bam wanted the boy to address him with the nickname.

The two started talking about anything and everything and Jeongguk listened because they were quite entertaining. Bam Bam showed him a table which had like six guys sitting around it. He said that it's where they usually sit but they decided to ditch their friends to sit with him and get to know him. The boy in subject was surprised to say at least. The guys from the other table saw them looking and waved and gave a thumbs up towards the two boys sitting with Jeongguk- they seem to know what's going on here.

When school was over Jeongguk ran into Yugyeom and Bam Bam once again when he was looking at the school notice board filled with posters from various clubs in the school. "You should join the dance club, our instructor is really cool! It's literally the only club where you can have so much fun and be productive at the same time." Yugyeom said as the three of them walk out of the school. Jeongguk really have no idea how those two can be so friendly when they're practically strangers.

Suddenly a motor bike showed up, the driver calling for Jeongguk and all three of them were shocked and speechless with their jaws literally dropped to the ground- The duo seemed shocked for a much different reason than the boy the biker is looking for.

Driving the bike was Hoseok. His sunny smile blinding anyone and everyone around them. Jeongguk bid goodbye to the other two high schoolers and climbed to sit behind Hoseok after taking the helmet from the latter. The boy felt a lot of things at the moment but dumbfounded was at the top of the list. With Hoseok's slim-fit black jeans to his black T-shirt and the red leather jacket- he looked so fucking hot and Jeongguk would rather keep that thought to himself. He would sound super weird anyway. He will take it to hell with him when he dies. That thought will never see the light of day.

About fifteen minutes later they arrived at the a small building, it seemed to be in a better condition than the ones around the area and had a few big advertisements for different types of performing arts classes. Must be an institution for those. "This is where I work these days." Hoseok said as he got off from the motorbike k helping the younger to do so as well even though he really doesn't need it.

When entering the building a lot of people that seem to know Hoseok greeted both of them happily. They all seem to know each other very well- even random elders that were waiting for their grandchildren (Probably, Jeongguk doesn't know any of these people.)at the lobby of the building looked delighted at the sight of the older boy. The interactions they had made Jeongguk feel something positive inside.

Hoseok led the younger to a room that looked like a dance studio. "You dance?"

"I think I mentioned that I'm a dance major?" The dancer's eyebrow raised just as gracefully as his slight smirk. Blushing, the teenager avoided eye contact due to feeling embarrassed. "Ye-Yeah, I kinda did-did." The small nod of his head was barely noticeable to the other.

"I'm a dance instructor here. The class starts in a few minutes, you can join us if you want to." With that Hoseok's red jacket was gone- revealing his black muscle shirt (which Jeongguk thought was a T-Shirt) with his bare muscles on display. Maybe Jeongguk's eyes lingered on them a second too long but that's only because he wanted such toned arms- what , did you thing it was because of something else?

And the red in his ears have no business in this matter at all.

Ten minutes later, just like Hoseok said, about twenty people in between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five filled the room while the bunny-like boy sat at a far corner of the room trying not to feel suffocated. He saw the way Hoseok's eyes changed- how sharp and observant they've become, how he looked for every mistake his students make and still help them with his sunshine smile. He saw how smooth the elder's movements were, how out of nowhere he was aspired to have the ability to be able to move like that.

He may have made a decision he thought he would never do but he's sure he won't regret it. And if he see the Hoseok he sees right now in his dreams tonight then that's no one's business but his.

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