② Introducing

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"I'm Kim Seokjin, you can call me jin hyung, I'm 22, turning 23, so I better hear it." Wow. Talk about old.

Jeongguk shrugged again because he doesn't care.

"Min Yoongi, don't care about what you call me as long as it shows respect, you're dead otherwise. 22." At least, he's not annoying as the rest of them. Thank fucking Timberlands.

Oh, It's the lanky dude's and the screaming idiot's turn. Look how lanky that dude is oh my gawd. Bet he's gay- I mean, Jeongguk is too OKAY.

No one's judging here, right? Nah, Jeongguk would judge them shamelessly his whole life.

"I'm Jung Hoseok, 21 years old. I'm a dance major!" The dude gave a smile that sort of resembles a heart. "Nobody cares Hoseok." Yoongi mumbled to his pillow on the couch.

'Hoseok' pouted and threw himself on the couch. Next, the tall giant dude spoke. And that's when Jeongguk decided he's gay. Again. (Okay maybe he's straight for IU) "I'm Kim Namjoon, same age as hobi. And uh that's about it."





And, he tripped. His harry potter glasses almost hit the floor.

Protect this man oh my gawd.

Jeongguk wanted to trap that giant man in a really tight hug. What better way to tell others about his heart boner.

Okay so gayness aside, the alien boy stepped up and did a little weird dance. ( it was cute.) "I'm Kim Taehyung!! You can call me Tae-Tae!" he threw his dumb box smile at Jeongguk and gave a thumbs up. "I will turn 20 this december so I want some cool gifts!"

What. The. Fuck.

That was stinkin' cute.

'Jimine' as Seokjin previously addressed- went to hug taehyung and started stroking hair as he kept whispering some shit into his ears.

Wait, that kid is older? Jeongguk better not be the maknae here or he's suing these (darn fine) men. Oh wait. The midget is still here, there's nothing to worry about. Haha

The brown haired short man kept hugging 'Tae-Tae' while he introduced himself. "I'm Park Jimin, i'm a '95 liner like Taehyung. I turn 20 in 12 days, I don't expect any gifts nor am I pressuring you for it."

Yeah as if Jeongguk's getting any of you gifts. Y'all are lucky that he's even living with you asses. ( he doesn't know about everyone, but he does know that namjoon's booty is cute.) Y'all are currently being b l e s s e d by his presence right now.

So let's see...

Apron dude is 22. So is grumpy little grandpa.

Lanky cute ass and screaming man are 21.

Midget and alien ae 19- to-be 20.

So that mean Jeongguk is



The fucking maknae.

Fuck no.

Jeongguk's eyes widened quite dramatically. As he was beyond shook. that short baby faced kid was older than him. He's gonna have to call him hyung at some point in his life.

He'd rather bite his tongue and die than do that. Just the thought of it makes his mouth tastes weird.

It took him another minute to realise that the people in the room were staring at him, waiting for him to introduce himself.

Why does his hands feel like they're in an ocean of sweat?

"O-Oh.. I'm Jeon Jeongguk. Ni-Nice to meet you all." He isn't sure if it was his natural stutter or if it was because he was nervous around new people.

Because no matter what a smart ass he might be in his head, he's still a kid with anxiety at the end of the day.

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