Chapter 22

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Bucky's POV

"There's too many of them, we'll never make it out with all of us alive," Nat observes.

"She's right," Steve agrees. "As much as I don't want to say it, we have to retreat."

Everyone makes their own way back to ship, but agents are closing in and fast. We only just manage to close the door and start giving them all of our fire power. Tony immediately gets the jet started and we're off. I sit down, trying to recollect myself, when I notice something. "Where's Sam?" Everyone looks around and realises that we are one man (woman) down.

"Wasn't she with you?" Clint asks. "You shouted her name."

"Yeah, I yelled at her because she got dragged into a different room from me. There were a lot of agents and I knew she could handle herself."

"Her ribs were still healing," Bruce whispers worriedly. We all look at him, confused. He begins to explain himself, "when I checked Sam over, she was fine, apart from her ribs. They were still healing and, although she was fit enough to fight, they would've been a weak point."

Tony joins us, listening to Bruce. "HYDRA has made weapons far more advanced than that. They easily would've been able to scan her for weaknesses."

"There was no way she could've hidden that from them," Wilson says.

I sit down, afraid that I may collapse. "Fuck. Fuck! This is all my fault." Steve places an arm around me.

"Don't say that, Buck."

I throw his arm off of me and stand up, turning to face him, the anger prominent in my eyes. "This is all my fault, Steve! My daughter just got left behind with the evil organisation that I've already left her with before! She barely forgave me last time, what the hell am I supposed to do now?! What the hell am I supposed to tell Jay?" I massage my temples slightly. "Tony, turn back."

"We can't."

"We have to!"

"No! I understand that you want your daughter back, and believe me when I say we all do. But it's too dangerous. There's a large possibility that we will all die if I turn back," he reasons. "We'll have to devise something when we get home."

Sam's POV

I wake up to a shock of electricity running through my body. My eyes snap open and whatever was shocking me stops. I look around myself, still slightly groggy. That is, until I recognise where I am. Suddenly any dizziness or tiredness vanishes and I'm on high alert.

"Ahh, the Shadow Assassin is back!" My eyes dart around the dimly lit room, looking for the source of the voice. My 'mission to find the voice' is shortly interrupted by a hand grabbing my cheeks. I swear they do this every time. "We have missed you."

"As much as I would love to say the same, I've been rather happy where I was before, without you," I mimic his grin as he slaps me across the face. Deja vu much? "I swear every fucking time one of you guys slap me. I don't even know you! What did I do, huh?"

He grabs my throat, strangling me. "You may want to learn some manners, тень. HYDRA is not as forgiving as before," he says menacingly. (Shadow)

"They were never forgiving in the first place," I choke out. He quickly releases me, rage taking over his features.

"Take her to the chamber. Let's see if we can teach her some manners..."

Sorry for the short chapters I just don't really know what to write at this point. I know where I want to go with it, I'm just bad at actually writing it lmao.

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