Chapter 1: Slow start

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"Will you go out with me?"

Adrien froze, his eyes caught by the deep blue of Marinette's. It has been forever since he looked her in the eyes without the fear of falling into their depth and drowning in their infinity. He faintly recalled the days when looking at Marinette would bring the warmth of friendship and the amusement of her strange verbal muddle. Even though she has improved in her articulation of normal sentences, she still often barraged him with a stream of non-linear sentences for him to decipher. He's become adept at understanding what he affectionately named 'Marinette-speak'.

During the last few months, he felt this heat that had nothing to do with friendship. It dug deeper into his heart than friendship should and awaked previously suppressed physical desires. Desires he did not expect to have for a friend - even a beautiful one as Marinette.

"You want to go out with me?" he needed to make sure he understood correctly. "Like, on a date?"

The thought Marinette might have stronger feelings for him than friendship has been plaguing him for almost a month since he came to understand his own feelings. It came to him as a complete surprise - jumped at him out of nowhere. He was comfortable in the knowledge that she was his closest friend. Even Nino, his best pal, spent more time with Alya than with him. What's more, Nino's a guy and they would talk guy stuff. With Marinette he opened up more, let her in, share his problems, let his insecurities show. She was always a force of support, strengthening him at every turn. He never feared she would belittle anything he told her, or worse, use it against him. He trusted her as much as he trusted Ladybug. In fact, with his feelings, he trusted Marinette more. Not that he didn't trust Ladybug, only he didn't want Ladybug to know his failings, hoping to win her over.

"Em," Marinette's voice quavered. "Yes?"

A month ago, on a school trip to Normandy, they got a few hours to spend on the beach. The girls played volleyball while the boys watched. Alix, clearly the best player on the court, paired off with Juleka, who had the height but not the drive to use it. To everyone's surprise, Marinette dominated the court. She was slower and less talented than Alix but she made up for it by building amazing teamwork with her partner, Alya.
Kim kept on throwing Alix advice, then berating her she would win if she listened to him, frustrating Alix even more. On the other side of the court, Marinette calmly gave Alya directions on their next attack, which they would perform flawlessly.

"You're staring, dude."

"What?" he looked at his friend in surprise.

"You're staring at Marinette. You haven't taken your eyes off her in ten minutes." Nino had a grin Adrien could not understand.

"What are you saying, man?"

"Dude! For you, there is only one player on this court. I think your eyes have finally opened."

Hours later, lying on his own bed, staring at his ceiling, the meaning of Nino's works finally hit him. His eyes were open and all could see was Marinette.

"It doesn't have to be a date, go out just we can, em, Alya and Nino join with, or you go with them, I'll just go home now, sorry bye."

He took too long to respond, Marinette panicked and returned to stuttering. She was walking away.

"Yes!" Adrien shouted at her.

She stopped but did not turn around.

"Yes," he repeated in a normal voice. "I would love to go out with you. On a date."

Marinette slowly turned to face him with her eyes downcast.

"You don't have to, I'm sorry for putting you on the spot."

"I want to."

"Are you sure?" she looked up, eyes once again capturing his own.

"Em," his resolve wavered. He recognized hope in her eyes. This was a big step.

"You're not sure." Now he saw pain. He took too long again.

"I'm sure I want to," he paused trying to formulate his thoughts, "I'm not sure I should."

"Why not?"

"I'm scared."

"You're scared of going out with me?" Marinette was genuinely surprised.

"I'm scared of losing you, losing my friend."

Marinette's face relaxed, a smile brightening it.

"You won't lose me, I'll be here for you."

"I've never dated before, I'm sure I'll mess it up. Then I'll lose my closest friend. That scares me."

Marinette stepped closer, took a deep breath and grabbed both of his hands.

"I want this," she focused on his left eye, then his right. "You are the kindest, most caring person I know and I can't see how you can mess this up. I've never done this before either and I want to try. We'll just take it slowly."

They stood centimeters away from each other, eyes locked, the world around disappearing leaving them in their own little bubble. Neither knew how much time passed.

"Ok," Adrien nodded. "We'll take it slowly."

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