Chapter 10: The perfect girlfriend

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"Pound it!" the superhero duo bumped fists.

"These akumas are getting easier," Ladybug sounded worried.

"That's because we are really rocking it," Chat couldn't understand how Ladybug could worry about a good thing. She was sometimes too serious. Well, often.

"We are rocking it, aren't we," her smile warmed Chat; Maybe she isn't too serious. "I'm just worried Hawkmoth is up to something." Too serious it is.

"Let's enjoy the little breaks we get. Neither of us used our powers, so we can hang out if you're not in a hurry again? Do you have a young hunk waiting for you to return?"

"I do have a young hunk, but he isn't currently waiting for me," a sly grin crossed her face. "Race you to the tower." She slung her yoyo and was off before he could blink.

She'll be the death of me.

She was faster than him at the best of times, with a head start he had no chance. He extended his baton, ascending to the top of the nearest building, and set off after his lady. When he reached the tower she stood with folded arms, leaning her shoulder against a beam, tapping her foot on the floor.

"Ya right. You got here, like, three seconds before me. And you cheated."

Ladybug broke into giggles. "You should see the look on your face. You'd think I stole your milk."

"What can I say, a cat needs his milk."

Ladybug sat with her back to the beam, Chat dropping himself beside her.

"What about your beautiful girl? Are things better now?"

Thoughts of Marinette brought mixed feelings with them. He was with Ladybug, his lady, his first love; but he missed Marinette. At the same time, he felt the lingering anger towards her.

"That look spells problems," Ladybug observed. "Is she still flirting with other boys? Did you speak to her?"

"It's not the flirting," Chat lowered his head, he was uncomfortable sharing with Ladybug his growing issues with Marinette. He shook those feelings aside, this is what friends are for. "I saw her kissing someone else."

"Oh!" she covered her mouth in shock, eyes big as oranges. "I can't believe that girl. How could she do that to you? Does she not realize she's dating the most wonderful guy in Paris? The flirting was one thing, inconsiderate but mostly harmless. Going around kissing others is not at all how a girlfriend should behave. I'm sorry Chat. I can't see how you can still date her."

Chat felt guilty. Ladybug did not know it was a play and was getting the wrong impression about Marinette. The thought of her kissing Kim bothered him, even if it was acting. Was he giving the wrong impression? It sure felt like she was betraying him by kissing Kim.

"I love her, and she loves me," he felt the need to defend Marinette.

"How can she love you and then go kissing some other guy? That isn't love, that's convenience."

"I know she loves me, I have no doubts about that. She just gets distracted with things and was adamant that the kiss meant nothing to her. She loves me not him." There! He gave Ladybug the full picture.

"I don't know, Chat. I'm not very good with romance, I've only just started dating for the first time. It sounds to me that this girl is playing you. I'm worried you'll get hurt. Maybe you should break it off."

"No!" Chat gave Ladybug a piercing gaze. He couldn't leave Marinette, she was his life. "I won't do it, she is mine and she'll be loyal to me. She is also learning how to be a girlfriend. I never expected her to find this so difficult, but I will make sure she learns what it means to be a one. I don't want to lose her."

Chat wasn't sure how long they sat quietly, brooding.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Ladybug broke the silence. "Whatever you do I'll support you and be here for you if you need me."

"Thank you, m'lady. I know this would not have happened if you were my girlfriend."

Ladybug blushed and spluttered a few incoherent words.

"Sorry," Chat rushed to apologize. "I never meant to make you uncomfortable. I was just thinking you wouldn't have problems adjusting to dating. You would be the perfect girlfriend."

"Don't make assumptions. I also have issues with my boyfriend, exploring where the boundaries of our relationship lie. How much of a say we have in each other's life," she paused, looked at him then down to her hands. "My biggest worry is if he were to find out about this," she indicated her red-clad body. "What if he told me I must quit being Ladybug, that he cannot handle the possibility of his girlfriend getting hurt? That I must choose between him and being Ladybug. That would be very difficult."

"What would you choose?"

"That isn't the question, I cannot stop being Ladybug. Making the choice won't be difficult. I love him more than anything, but my responsibility is to Paris, and it overrides my needs." Chat felt the convictions of Ladybug's words. Then her face softened, almost sad, "Leaving him, continuing without him as my boyfriend. That would be difficult."

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