Chapter 2: Speeding up

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Adrien's tongue wriggled around in her mouth, exploring every spot while dueling with her own needy tongue. The suction of his lips locked around her own pulled her soul into his, merging them into one multi-limb being emitting loud suction noises. They wasted money buying two tickets, with Marinette in his lap they only used the one seat. The plan was to watch a movie together. Their hands intertwined while Adrien bought the tickets. They walked through the theater door with their arms wrapped around each. Within seconds of the lights going out they sucked at each other's face, the movie ignored. Even a single movie ticket was a waste.

"So..." Marinette pulled away, breaking the seal, "much..."

Adrien moved forward capturing her lips.

"...for..." she panted after a few kisses, taking a quick breath before his lips descended on hers.

"...taking it..." she got out before Adrien's tongue was down her throat, playing hockey with her tonsils.

"... slowly," she pushed hard on his chest, keeping him at bay.

The pair gazed at each other their chests rose with heavy breaths. Adrien put only slight pressure on Marinette outstretched arms. The theater was almost empty, having the back row all to themselves.

"I can't help myself," Adrien's green eyes shone, reflecting the light from the screen. "You are intoxicating. I am drunk on your sweet lips. The nectar I taste on your lips is the drink of the gods, quenching my parched body."

"Adrien!" Marinette has never expected to hear Adrien talk like that, at least not to her. "Where do these words come from? I've never heard you spew poetry before."

"You've never seen me in love before."

In love?

Marinette head tilted back, mouth agape, mind blank, words nowhere to be found.

He loves me?

Was Ladybug's luck rubbing off on her?

Adrien pulled back, the hunger in his eyes dissipating, replaced with fear, doubt.

"I scared you, haven't I? I don't know how to do this, I'm ruining it already."

Marinette mouth shut with a pop, words still a luxury reserved for the sane. She shook her head in denial.

"I'm not scared," she whispered, almost not hearing herself. "I...I..."

"Shh," Adrien placed a finger to her lips. "No pressure. We can take it slowly."

He took a deep breath, relaxed his shoulders and leaned back into his chair. "You see, there's been this desire building in me for a long time. I didn't know what it was and let it grow bigger and stronger without an outlet. Then I discovered this desire was for you which made it grow even more. Now I find you desire me back. You validated me, my feelings, my wants. You open the door to me, inviting me in and all these pent-up desires come pouring out. I built a dam wall to hold it all at bay, you come along, break it down, and I'm struggling to hold back the avalanche. I will go beyond your comfort zone and you'll run away from me."

Marinette attempted to speak multiple times during Adrien's speech. Each time he pressed his figure harder on her lips, keeping her silent. Now that he removed his finger she clamped her teeth shut to stop herself blurting out the torrent of mixed thoughts and feelings ready to burst out of her.

"I'm not scared," she retreated to the safety of words already said.

"I am. I'm scared if I let go I will lose control and tear all your clothes off."

Marinette's eyes opened in shock. It wasn't the through of Adrien ravishing her which shocked her, it was the bluntness of his words and the hunger in his eyes. She never expected this from Adrien. She liked it.

"Adrien, my love, don't be scared," she breathed in a husky voice. "I am way ahead of you. I've wanted to tear your clothes off for years."

A smirk grew on Adrien's face reminding her of her black cat partner.

"Let's get out of here."

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