Chapter 15: Third time's the charm

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Life in the Agrest mansion has not been simple. The rollercoaster of the Agrest family's life has consumed Natalie's own. She could not remember a time in her adult life separate from the Agrests. Gabriel hired her when he was still an up-and-coming designer starting his own line. She planned his meetings, business trips, first show, his wedding and honeymoon. She managed his home, his business and his personal life. 

The only part she had no involvement was Adrien. Emilie managed anything and everything Adrien related. She was the perfect mother spending her time with her son while Gabriel concentrated on business. Natalie's only part was scheduling with Emilie Adrien's photoshoots. 

Then Emilie disappeared and Gabriel locked himself in his office. On top of everything else, Adrien became her responsibility. She was no mother. How do you care for a teenage boy? She did what she could; continued his education, managed his schedule and made sure he was healthy. What else do mothers do?

They love. 

They were only small things. Making sure he ate enough, checking he was sleeping properly, arguing with Gabriel for things Adrien wanted, so he would be happy. It broke her heart to see Adrien sad. She discovered she had a heart to be broken. She’s never loved anything before Adrien. She loved him almost as much as his mother. Once she started loving, her love spilled over to the father. With Gabriel it was not a motherly love. And so she wished for more.

Everything changed when Gabriel shared his reality with her. Emilie was alive, somewhat. Gabriel was Hawkmoth. He showed her how it was all for Adrien, for him to have a mother again so their family will be whole once more. She bought into it, for Adrien. And to make Gabriel happy. He’ll have his wife back. Even if it wasn’t her.

She helped Gabriel, worked with him and did her best to protect Adrien. She protected him from getting hurt by the akumas, and from the knowledge of who his father was. Adrien would not understand. For him the ends do not justify the means. 

As Gabriel escalated his attacks those ‘ends’ became fuzzy. He wanted to get more Miraculouses, find the Guardian, get more power. He claimed it was all to save Emilie. At what cost? He almost akumatized his own son.

Natalie knocked on Adrien’s door.

“Go away!” 

Lately, Adrien was often in a foul mood, problems with Marinette. Unsurprisingly, he refused to share his problems with her. She might love him like a mother but he did not see her as one. Although, even if he did, what teenager shared his issues with his mother? A father figure could have helped, but Gabriel hasn’t been available for years.

She returned to the atelier, preparing to share her thoughts that this was getting out of hand. She has been careful not to reveal her feelings, worried he’d accuse her of trying to replace his wife. It wasn’t true, she would prefer for Adrien to have his real mother back. She would do anything for Adrien. Except hurt him, and that is what Gabriel was doing.

She walked in, her speech ready on her lips. He was no longer there, disappearing in the few minutes she was gone. She looked around before settling on where she knew the elevator platform was hidden. Of course, where else?

On her way to the picture something black pushed through the edge of the platform.

“No! He didn’t!”

The akuma took flight heading out the room, Natalie close behind. She prayed it was heading to the kitchen, to the chef or a staff member. Maybe the Gorilla again. At the second floor she knew, all hope was lost. The black and purple butterfly slid under Adrien’s door and Natalie had enough. 

“This has gone too far!” she growled. 

The Gorilla was already waiting for her with the car. They both turned when a crash came from Adrien’s room. So much for hoping he would reject it. Wishful thinking the way he shouted at her. She was out of options.

“Thank you for coming. Now follow that akuma.”

The Gorilla gave a surprised grunt.

“That akuma is Adrien.”

His eyes grew larger than she’s ever seen them. He nodded, put the car into gear and concentrated on the road. They were not far behind the akuma, destruction paving the way. A flash of red caught Natalie’s attention.

“Stop the car!” she demanded.

The car screeched to a stop, she was out before the wheels came to rest. 

“Ladybug!” Natalie shouted. “Ladybug, down here.”

The scarlet hero changed direction mid-swing landing lightly at her side.

“What is it? I now have an akuma to deal with,” Ladybug sounded irritated.

“That is exactly what I called you for. The akuma, it’s Adrien Agreste.”

“Adrien? This is bad. Really bad.”

A multitude of emotions passed behind Ladybug’s mask, Natalie could not follow.

“It makes sense, I guess,” she looked down and shook her head, looking defeated. “He did it just to irritate me, that bastard.”

Ladybug, making little sense, confused Natalie. Did she think Hawkmoth sent akumas just to irritate her, or was it specifically Adrien? Why would akumatizing Adrien irritate Ladybug? There was no time to figure that out, this all had to stop.

“I don’t think he akumatized Adrien to irritate you, but it proves that he has become a bastard. I’m sorry, I thought he had good intentions even if his methods were less than desirable. It was all for Emilie, to bring her out of some magical coma. But he has gone too far akumtizing Adrien. I’m sorry I helped him and fought against you. But Adrien is like a son to me and I’ll do anything to protect him, even from his own father. This is for you, proof what I’m saying is true,” she placed the Peacock Miraculous in Ladybug’s hand.

Natalie watched Ladybug face change from interest to confusion and finally shock. She studied the Miraculous in her hand putting everything together.

“Oh my god! Adrien’s mother is alive? He will be over the moon.” 

These were her first thoughts?

Natalie was now certain she was doing the right thing coming to her. Ladybug will do right by Adrien.

“Oh no! His own father. He’ll be devastated.” 

Once again, Ladybug proved her heart was in the right place. How could she have fought against her? Natalie was ashamed.

“Natalie,” Ladybug looked up at her as if she forgot she was there. “Thank you for bringing all this to me, I can only guess how difficult this must have been for you. I will do my best not to hurt Gabriel, but this must stop.” A wicked grin on her face brought doubt to Natalie. “If we can get Adrien’s mother back, then maybe she can teach him some manners. And if not, Natalie, then it will be up to you to teach Adrien how to behave.”

Ladybug took off, leaving a very confused Natalie behind.

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